Kitchen drawer organiser 来自 bust4rhymes

发布时间:2024-11-19 01:01

川菜中的'麻'来自花椒,'辣'主要来自辣椒,'香'则来自豆瓣酱和各种香料 #生活技巧# #美食烹饪技巧# #川菜秘诀#

I needed a way of organise our kitchen utensil drawer. Because of the dimensions nothing on the market was made for this.

So i designed three different versions and size to acomodate different drawer sizes/needs.

Our RV is a 2008 Deutchmen but will fit almost any RV drawer

The projet contains all three plates to choose from.


*Note: If you turn on ironing the print might take two mor hours just to do so. So if you want to speed up the process simply turn it off.

Nozzle: 0.4mmLayer Height: 0.2mmWalls: 2Infill: GyroidInfill : 15%Brims: DisabledTextured PEI plate

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网址:Kitchen drawer organiser 来自 bust4rhymes


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