
发布时间:2024-11-19 15:17

在可能的情况下,将供暖系统与家庭热水供应系统集成,双重节能。 #生活技巧# #居家生活技巧# #节省能源技巧# #热泵供暖#

-------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------        ----------------    ----------------------------------- ~ 1 ~                  :     30  ,      ,                 ,               ,          ,                            ,            。                     ,                        。       /2/view-12895823.htm      :      ;  ;  ;   Abstract: in 30 years of reform and opening up, the rapid development of    www.taodocs.com       -------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------        ----------------    ----------------------------------- ~ 1 ~                  :     30  ,      ,                 ,               ,          ,                            ,            。                     ,                        。       /2/view-12895823.htm      :      ;  ;  ;   Abstract: in 30 years of reform and opening up, the rapid development of    www.taodocs.com       

-------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------        ----------------    ----------------------------------- ~ 2 ~economy, the resources, the contradiction between supply and demand more and more acute, and our country to energy conservation and environmental protection technology also pay more and more attention to, in such a social background, the strengthening of the hot water heating system energy saving measures and methods of the study has important practical significance, and also have strong social and economic value. This article attempts to hot water heating system energy saving in China put forward some Suggestions that can improve the hot water heating system in China to help the energy saving efficiency.   Keywords: hot water heating system; Energy saving; measures           :TE08     :A     :                    www.taodocs.com       -------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------        ----------------    ----------------------------------- ~ 2 ~economy, the resources, the contradiction between supply and demand more and more acute, and our country to energy conservation and environmental protection technology also pay more and more attention to, in such a social background, the strengthening of the hot water heating system energy saving measures and methods of the study has important practical significance, and also have strong social and economic value. This article attempts to hot water heating system energy saving in China put forward some Suggestions that can improve the hot water heating system in China to help the energy saving efficiency.   Keywords: hot water heating system; Energy saving; measures           :TE08     :A     :                    www.taodocs.com       

-------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------        ----------------    ----------------------------------- ~ 3 ~         ,                ,                  ,                ,      ,                        ,                           。                                     、   、   、      、      、        、                              。                 11.5%,                。                 27%,       ,            35.5%  。   ,  2020 ,               。       ,          。              www.taodocs.com       -------------------------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------        ----------------    ----------------------------------- ~ 3 ~         ,                ,                  ,                ,      ,                        ,                           。                                     、   、   、      、      、        、                              。                 11.5%,                。                 27%,       ,            35.5%  。   ,  2020 ,               。       ,          。              www.taodocs.com       

网址:热水供暖系统的几点节能措施 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/137598


