PPT演示文稿的结构设计原则 #生活技巧# #工作学习技巧# #PPT制作设计#
本科毕业设计(论文) 居家环境中“旧物”的再设计探讨 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATI 摘 要 再设计以重新审视已经存在的产品为目的,不仅是借设计手段改良设计,还是增加产品生命周期,更好为生活环境和生存环境服务的手段。社会经济的发展,产品不断更新换代,旧物常被丢弃或放置,由此自然而然引发出关于环境保护、生活需求等方面的思考,越来越多的设计师针对这一现象展开了对再设计的研究和探讨,使其更好的为生活服务。尽管如此,对物的“喜新厌旧”并没有因“再设计”的存在而发生改变,本课题的目的是通过再设计的探讨,引发越来越多人对延长产品生命周期的思考,同时通过相对合理的方式使使用者改变对“旧物”的常态看法。 为了更好的实现坐、卧、收纳、本课题的设计内容主要围绕旧金属重塑为家具展开。为了满足家具市场需求,满足消费者追求个性化、多样化的心理,改善人们的居住环境、丰富人们的精神生活,本次课题进行了茶几椅子的设计。本次设计中,首先通过前期的市场调研、问卷分析,对废旧物再设计进行了市场定位并明确设计需求,接着通过人机分析、功能分析设计了5套造型方案并从中选出最优的设计方案进行了细节设计和结构设计,其特点是使用旧物来进行再设计。设计所要达到的效果是摄入中国文化元素,在满足人们生理需求的同时丰富人们精神需求的同时也使人们生活简约时尚。 关键词 再设计,旧金属,家具,中国文化 枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) ABSTRACT PAGE \* MERGEFORMATII ABSTRACT Redesign is a kind of design to reinspect the existential product. It doesnt only aiming at improving the previous design by extrodinary designers, but also aimming at increasing its life cycle, and serving our life to be better. With the development of society and technology, the products are renovated all the time, and the used products are thrown away or recycled. Thus, the consideration of environmental protection, the needs in life and so on appeared naturally. Nevertheless,Befond of the new and tired of the old of things doesnt change because of redesign.The suppose of this research is through discuss by redesign to cause more and more people thinking of increaing the life cycle of the product.At the same time through a relatively reasonable way to enable the user to change the normal view of the old. In order to achieve sit,lie,loading better, the content of this subject mainly discuss around the reshaping of the old metal. In the design, through the previous market survey and questionnaire analysis, the subject orientate the market and make sure the need of design. Then it designs 5 modeling scheme through Ergonomics analysis and functional analysis. Whats more, it chooses the best scheme and designs the details an
网址:居家環境中“旧物”的再设计稿探讨毕业设计稿233049.docx https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/160524