周 彤
当你觉得冷时,把舌头伸出来,它会立刻变得红彤彤的。 #生活乐趣# #日常生活趣事# #日常笑话分享#
1. T.Zhou, Y.You and T.Li: Estimation and Control of Large Scale Networked Systems, Elseriver, 2018.
2. 周彤,潘文卿(译著),稳健性,机械工业出版社 (诺贝尔经济学奖经典文库),2016年.(L.P.Hasen and T.J.Sargent, Robustness, Princeton University, 2008.)
3. 周彤. 面向控制的系统辨识导论. 清华大学出版社,2004.
[1] T.Zhou: Structure identifiability of an NDS with LFT parametrized subsystems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 67, No.123, pp.6682-6697, 2022.
[2] T.Zhou and K.L.Yin: Global structure identifiability and reconstructibility of an NDS with descriptor subsystems, Automatica, Vol. 142, 110356, 2022.
[3] T.Zhou: Constructibility of a causal/impulse free NDS using descriptor form subsystems, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol. 65, 142204:1–142204:15, 2022.
[4] T.Zhou and Y.Y.Zhou: Affine dependence of network observability/controllability on its Subsystem parameters and connections, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp.1537-1551, 2022.
[5] Y.Y.Zhou and T.Zhou: A revisit to the controllability and observability of networked dynamic systems, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Vol.8, No.4, pp.1659-1668, 2021.
[6] T.Zhou: Regularity/Controllability/Observability of an NDS with Descriptor Form Subsystems and Generalized LFTs, Automatica, Vol.121, 109153, 2020.
[7] Y.Zhang and T.Zhou: Structural controllability of a networked dynamic system with LFT parametrized subsystems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.64, No.12, pp.4920-4935, 2019.
[8] Y.Zhang and T.Zhou, Minimal structural perturbations for controllability of a networked system: Complexities and approximations, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.29, No.12, pp.4191-4208, 2019.
[9] T.Zhou: Minimal inputs/outputs for subsystems in a networked system, Automatica, Vol.94, pp.161-169, 2018.
[10] T.Zhou: Minimal inputs/outputs for a networked system, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol.1, No.2, pp.298-303,2017.
[11] Y.Zhang and T.Zhou: Controllability analysis for a networked dynamic system with autonomous subsystems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.62, No.7, pp.3408-3415,2017.
[12] T.Zhou and Y.Zhang: On the stability and robust stability of networked dynamic systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.61, No.6, pp.1595-1600, 2016.
[13] T.Zhou: Asymptotic behavior of recursive state estimations with intermittent measurements, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.61, No.2, pp.400-415, 2016.
[14] T.Zhou: Robust recursive state estimation with random measurement droppings, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.61, No.1, pp.156-171, 2016.
[15] T.Zhou: On the controllability and observability of networked dynamic systems, Automatica, Vol.52, No.1, pp.63-75, 2015.
[16] J.Xiong and T.Zhou: Structure identification for gene regulatory networks via linearization and robust state estimation, Automatica, Vol.50, No.11, pp.2765-2776, 2014.
[17] T.Zhou: Coordinated one-step optimal distributed state prediction for a networked dynamical system, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 58, No. 11, pp.2756-2771, 2013.
[18] T.Zhou: Generalized positiveness of spatially interconnected systems over quadratically constrained frequency domains, Systems & Control Letters, Vol.61, pp.1187-1193, 2012.
[19] W.X.Zhao and T.Zhou: Weighted least squares based recursive parametric identification for the submodels of a PWARX system, Automatica, Vol.48, pp.1190-1198, 2012.
[20] T.Zhou: On nonsingularity verification of uncertain matrices over a quadratically constrained set, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.56, No.9, pp.2206-2212, 2011.
[21] T.Zhou and H.Y.Liang, On asymptotic behaviors of a sensitivity penalization based robust state estimator, Systems & Control Letters, Vol.60, No.3, pp.174-180, 2011.
[22] T.Zhou and Y.L.Wang, Causal relationship inference for a large-scale cellular network, Bioinformatics, Vol.26, No.16, pp 2020-2028, 2010.
[23] T.Zhou, On robust stability of uncertain systems with multiple time-delays, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.20, pp.1692–1705, 2010.
[24] T.Zhou, Sensitivity penalization based robust state estimation for uncertain linear systems , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.55, No.4, pp.1018-1024, 2010.
[25] T.Zhou, On the convergence and stability of a robust state estimator, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.55, No.3, pp.708-714, 2010.
[26] T.Zhou, Further results on the boundedness of multidimensional systems, Systems & Control Letters, Vol.58,pp.818-825, 2009.
[27] T. Zhou, On the stability of spatially distributed systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.53, No.10, pp.2385-2391, 2008.
[28] T.Zhou, Boundedness of multidimensional filters over a prescribed frequency domain, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.56, No.11, pp.5487-5499, 2008.
[29] T.Zhou and H.W.Xing (硕士研究生). Controller Design and Test Results for a Four Axis HTS Coil Based Maglev System. Physica C: Super-conductivity and its applications,Vol.454, No.1-2, pp.20-26, 2007
[30] T.Zhou and C.Feng (硕士研究生). On control system design using random samples of contractive block Toeplitz matrices. International Journal of Control,Vol.80, No.4, pp.624-635, 2007
[31] T.Zhou and C.Feng (硕士研究生). Uniform sample generations from contractive block Toeplitz matrices. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.51,No.9,pp.1559-1565,2006
[32] T.Zhou. Stability and stability margin for a two-dimensional system. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,Vol.54, No.9,pp.3483-3488,2006
[33] T.Zhou. Frequency response estimation for NCFs of an MIMO plant from closed-loop time-domain experimental data. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.51, No.1, pp. 38-51,2006
[34] C.Gu,M.L.Liu,H.W.Xing(硕士研究生),T.Zhou,W.S.Yin,J.Zong and Z.H.Han. Design, construction and performance of an EMS-based HTS Maglev vehicle. Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications,Vol.423, No.1-2, pp.37-44,2005
[35] T.Zhou. Nonparametric estimation for normalised coprime factors of a MIMO system. Automatica,Vol.41, No.4, pp.655-662,2005
[36] T.Zhou. Comments on “Covariance Shaping Least-Squares Estimation”. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,Vol.52, No.10, pp.2938-2939, 2004
[37] T.Zhou and H.W.Xing(硕士研究生). Identification of normalized coprime factors through constrained curve fitting. Automatica,2004, Vol.40, No.10, pp.1591-1601,2004
[38] T.Zhou . On the computation and statistical properties of the MLE for the frequency response of NCFs.. International Journal of Control,Vol.76, No.10, pp.1547-1559,2003
[39] T.Zhou. On the reproduction of closed-loop experimental data by an LFT perturbed model set. International Journal of Control,Vol.76, No.6, pp.581-590,2003
[40] T.Zhou. Correction to “Quality evaluation for a coprime factor perturbed model set based on frequency domain data”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.47, No.1, pp.202-202,2002
[41] T.Zhou, L.Wang and Z.S.Sun. Model set validation under a stochastic framework. Automatica,Vol.38, No.9, pp.1449-1461,2002
[42] T.Zhou. Frequency response estimation for normalised coprime factors. International Journal of Control,Vol.74, pp.315-328,2001
[43] T.Zhou. Quality evaluation for a coprime factor perturbed model set based on frequency domain data. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.46, No.6, pp.920-927,2001
[44] T.Zhou. On the consistency between a LFT described model set and frequency domain data. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.46, No.12, pp.2001-2007,2001
[45] T.Zhou. Unfalsified model parametrization based on frequency domain noise information. Automatica,Vol.36, pp.685-696, 2000
[46] T.Zhou. Unfalsified probability estimation for a model set based on frequency domain data. International Journal of Control,Vol.73, pp.391-406,2000
[47] T.Zhou. Estimation of 1/f signals on the basis of curve fitting. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,Vol.48, pp.617–628, 2000
[48] T.Zhou. A parametrization of all the unfalsified plant models for MIMO systems.. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.43, pp.18-30,1998
[49] T.Zhou, H.G.Dotsch and P.M.J.Van den Hof. Model set determination and its application to the control of compact disc players. European Journal of Control,Vol.4, No.2, pp.99-115,1998
[50] T.Zhou. Model uncertainty in frequency response based system identification. Systems & Control Letters,Vol.32,pp.121-133,1997
[51] T.Zhou. Unfalsified plant model parametrization from closed loop experiment data. Automatica,Vol.33, pp.805-820,1997
[52] T.Zhou and H.Kimura. Structure of model uncertainty for a weakly corrupted plant. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Vol.40, pp.639-655,1995
[53] T.Zhou and H.Kimura. Robust control of the Sydney benchmark problem with intermittent adaptation. Automatica,Vol.30, No.4, pp.629-632,1994
[54] T.Zhou and H.Kimura. Simultaneous identification of nominal model, parametric uncertainty and unstructured uncertainty for robust control. Automatica,Vol.30, pp.391-402,1994
[55] T.Zhou and H.Kimura. Time domain identification for robust control. Systems & Control Letters,Vol.20, pp.167-178,1993
[56] T.Zhou, M.Fujita and F.Matsumura. Robust control of a two-axis, magnetic suspension, flexible-beam system based on H-infinity optimization theory. International Journal of Robust and Nolinear Control,Vol.2, No.3, pp.165-182,1992
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