
发布时间:2024-11-21 19:52

科技生活中的健康提醒:定期更新软件和设备以保障网络安全 #生活知识# #科技生活# #科技健康解读#

Private Sub Check1_Click()

If Check1.Value = 1 Then

h.Enabled = True

m.Enabled = True

s.Enabled = True

End If

If Check1.Value = 0 Then

h = 0

m = 0

s = 0

h.Enabled = False

m.Enabled = False

s.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Check2_Click()

If Check2.Value = 1 Then

h2.Enabled = True

m2.Enabled = True

s2.Enabled = True

End If

If Check2.Value = 0 Then

h2 = 0

m2 = 0

s2 = 0

h2.Enabled = False

m2.Enabled = False

s2.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Check3_Click()

If Check3.Value = 1 Then

h3.Enabled = True

m3.Enabled = True

s3.Enabled = True

End If

If Check3.Value = 0 Then

h3 = 0

m3 = 0

s3 = 0

h3.Enabled = False

m3.Enabled = False

s3.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Timer1.Enabled = False And Timer2.Enabled = False And Timer3.Enabled = False Then

Time1 = h

Time2 = m

Time3 = s

Time4 = h2

Time5 = m2

Time6 = s2

Time7 = h3

Time8 = m3

Time9 = s3

Call Timesave


MsgBox "正在计时中,无法进行保存", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "出错"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = "开"

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

If m.Enabled = True Then

h = 0

m = 30

s = 0


MsgBox "喝水一栏未打勾"

End If

If h2.Enabled = True Then

h2 = 1

m2 = 0

s2 = 0


MsgBox "远眺一栏未打勾"

End If

If h3.Enabled = True Then

h3 = 2

m3 = 0

s3 = 0


MsgBox "厕所一栏未打勾"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call Timeread

h = Time1

m = Time2

s = Time3

h2 = Time4

m2 = Time5

s2 = Time6

h3 = Time7

m3 = Time8

s3 = Time9

Timer4.Enabled = False

Timer1.Enabled = False

h.Enabled = False

m.Enabled = False

s.Enabled = False

Timer2.Enabled = False

h2.Enabled = False

m2.Enabled = False

s2.Enabled = False

Timer3.Enabled = False

h3.Enabled = False

m3.Enabled = False

s3.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub h_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub h2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub h3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Label8_DblClick()

Text1.Text = "关"

End Sub

Private Sub m_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub m2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub m3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub s_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub s2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub s3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click()

If Check1.Value = 0 And Check2.Value = 0 And Check3.Value = 0 Then

MsgBox "您尚未选择一栏进行计时!"

End If

If h.Enabled = True Then

 If h = 0 And m = 0 And s = 0 Then

  Timer1.Enabled = False


  Timer1.Enabled = Not (Timer1.Enabled)

 End If

 If Timer1.Enabled = Ture Then

  h.Locked = Ture: m.Locked = Ture: s.Locked = Ture


  h.Locked = False: m.Locked = False: s.Locked = False

 End If


 End If

 If h2.Enabled = True Then

  If h2 = 0 And m2 = 0 And s2 = 0 Then

  Timer2.Enabled = False


  Timer2.Enabled = Not (Timer2.Enabled)

 End If

 If Timer2.Enabled = Ture Then

  h2.Locked = Ture: m2.Locked = Ture: s2.Locked = Ture


  h2.Locked = False: m2.Locked = False: s2.Locked = False

 End If


End If

 If h3.Enabled = True Then

  If h3 = 0 And m3 = 0 And s3 = 0 Then

  Timer3.Enabled = False


  Timer3.Enabled = Not (Timer3.Enabled)

 End If

 If Timer3.Enabled = Ture Then

  h3.Locked = Ture: m3.Locked = Ture: s3.Locked = Ture


  h3.Locked = False: m3.Locked = False: s3.Locked = False

 End If


 End If

End Sub

Private Sub h_LostFocus()

 h = Int(Val(h))

 If h < 0 Then h = 0

 If h > 23 Then h = 23

End Sub

Private Sub m_LostFocus()

 m = Int(Val(m))

 If m < 0 Then m = 0

 If m > 59 Then m = 59

End Sub

Private Sub s_LostFocus()

 s = Int(Val(s))

 If s < 0 Then s = 0

 If s > 59 Then s = 59

End Sub

Private Sub h2_LostFocus()

 h2 = Int(Val(h2))

 If h2 < 0 Then h2 = 0

 If h2 > 23 Then h2 = 23

End Sub

Private Sub m2_LostFocus()

 m2 = Int(Val(m2))

 If m2 < 0 Then m2 = 0

 If m2 > 59 Then m2 = 59

End Sub

Private Sub s2_LostFocus()

 s = Int(Val(s))

 If s2 < 0 Then s2 = 0

 If s2 > 59 Then s2 = 59

End Sub

Private Sub h3_LostFocus()

 h3 = Int(Val(h3))

 If h3 < 0 Then h3 = 0

 If h3 > 23 Then h3 = 23

End Sub

Private Sub m3_LostFocus()

 m3 = Int(Val(m3))

 If m3 < 0 Then m3 = 0

 If m3 > 59 Then m3 = 59

End Sub

Private Sub s3_LostFocus()

 s3 = Int(Val(s3))

 If s3 < 0 Then s3 = 0

 If s3 > 59 Then s3 = 59

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If Timer1.Enabled = True Then

h.Enabled = False

m.Enabled = False

s.Enabled = False

End If

 If h = 0 And m = 0 And s = 0 Then

  Timer1.Enabled = False


  Check1.Value = 0

 ElseIf s = 0 Then

  s = 59

  If m = 0 Then

   m = 59: h = h - 1


   m = m - 1

  End If


  s = s - 1

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

If Timer2.Enabled = True Then

h2.Enabled = False

m2.Enabled = False

s2.Enabled = False

End If

 If h2 = 0 And m2 = 0 And s2 = 0 Then

  Timer2.Enabled = False


  Check2.Value = 0

 ElseIf s2 = 0 Then

  s2 = 59

  If m2 = 0 Then

   m2 = 59: h2 = h2 - 1


   m2 = m2 - 1

  End If


  s2 = s2 - 1

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Timer()

If Timer3.Enabled = True Then

h3.Enabled = False

m3.Enabled = False

s3.Enabled = False

End If

 If h3 = 0 And m3 = 0 And s3 = 0 Then

  Timer3.Enabled = False


  Check3.Value = 0

 ElseIf s3 = 0 Then

  s3 = 59

  If m3 = 0 Then

   m3 = 59: h3 = h3 - 1


   m3 = m3 - 1

  End If


  s3 = s3 - 1

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Timer()


End Sub



预防网络沉迷 守护健康心灵 淮滨县张庄中学预防沉迷网络
不仅是网络中心 智我打造家庭生活管家
专家提醒建立健康生活方式 远离心梗威胁
