内心平和,才能在心里装下满满的幸福。平和的人,看得开,放得下,想得明白,过得洒脱。能容,能忍,能让,能原谅,平心静气。一个人,若思想通透了,行事就会通达,内心就会通泰。有欲而不执著于欲,有求而不拘泥于求。活得洒脱、活得自在、活得平和的人,心底踏实安详。云过天更蓝,船行水更幽。 We often complain: why are others always bullying andopposing me, causing me frustration? Actually there is not a person in theworld who can make you feel frustrated, except yourself. Those with a peacefulstate of mind can get through dark times, but those who are always sensitivewill feel blown apart by the slightest breeze. If you focus always on what youare getting and losing, your suffering will become heavier. Try to let go ofthe concept of “me”! 加措上师-慈爱基金的微博视频