与智能家居系统集成,实现恒温系统的自动化管理。 #生活技巧# #居家生活技巧# #节省能源技巧# #智能恒温系统#
摘要摘要 摘要 摘要 以计算机和现代网络技术为特征的现代信息技术促进了社会经济的发展, 也极大地加快了家用电子电器产品迈向家庭自动化(Home Automation)的步伐。 建立和开发家庭自动化系统旨在适应现代人民的生活信息化和对家居产品信息 化的需要。 本文构建了一个基于J2ME/J2EE平台的,利用移动电话进行远程控制的家 庭自动化模拟系统。 本文根据家庭自动化系统的开发特点,遵从软件工程原理,首先利用1JML 机制进行需求分析。在对系统进行非功能性和功能性需求分析的基础上,本文 重点研究了如何设计和实现家庭自动化系统。在系统分析和设计阶段,通过对 J2ME/J2EE架构的研究和分析,提出了基于J2ME/J2EE的系统解决方案。在实现 章节,本文详细讨论了系统的实现,完成了手机客户端和网页客户端对家电设 备的控制。 最后对系统的设计和实现方案进行了总结,为下一步研究奠定了基础,同 时也为我国家庭自动化系统信息化建设具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:家庭自动化,J2ME/J2EE,Web应用,多层体系结构 AbstraetABSTRACT Abstraet ABSTRACT Modem information technology with computer and network technology not only promotes the development ofthe economic but also speeds up the development ofthe home automation system greasy.The aim of building home automation system is to meet the needs of modern information society with respect to automated electronic products. In this paper,a home automation system based on J2ME/J2EE platform is buiR, which carries on the remote control by means ofthe mobile telephone. First of all,base on the features of the home automation system,this thesis analyzes the requirement of the project using UML in accordance witll the principle of software engineering.On the basis of the requirement analysis of the non—functional and functional requirements,the thesis focus mainly on how to design and implementation,During the system design phase,the solution to the system based on J2M2/J2EE iS presented based on J2ME/J『2EE framework。In the implementation chapters,the implementation of the system is described,in which the mobile phone clients and the WEB clients initiate the control ofthe household electronic product. At the end,the thesis summarize the design and implementation of the system.It establishes the foundation for further investigation.At the same time,it will give some hi曲lights on the construction ofChinese home automation system. Key Words:Home Automation,J2ME/J2EE,Web Application,Multi—layer Architecture lI 学位论文版权使用授权书本人完全了解同济大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定, 学位论文版权使用授权书 本人完全了解同济大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的
网址:家庭自动化系统的研究与实现 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/188326
UPnP AV架构下的家庭多媒体系统设计与实现