
发布时间:2024-11-22 16:02

培养团队成员自我管理的目标设定能力 #生活技巧# #团队建设技巧# #目标设定与追踪#


上传人:an****i 文档编号:345730 上传时间:2020-03-12 格式:XLS 页数:7 大小:14.63KB


1、自我管理与目标设定一览表 确定你的长期目标 并使用正确的词句界定它们 写一份个人使命陈述 按照重要性的顺序 把你的长期目标分出等级 并且去顶自己希望在使命时 间实现哪一项目标 充分利用你的日常经验 使之帮助你朝着目标前进 把你的藏起目标划分成明确的 期限较短的若干目标 为每一个短期目标设定一个时间表 每天为实现你的目标做件事情 根据重要性和紧迫性 把你的目标分出优先次序 减少在紧迫但不重要的任务上所花费的时间 抵制危机式快感 为更加重要的目标腾出时间 花点时间让自己变得有条理 可以从你的书桌或办公区开始 学会迅速过滤文件 并且将它们有效地归档 控制干扰 比如来电和不速之客 在适当的时候说不 礼

2、貌但坚决 如有可能 把任务和责任委托给其他人 明智的利用零碎时间 在工作中瞄准高质量 但不必追求不必要的完美 要果断 正视问题 而不是在忧虑中失去时间 承认并且了解你的拖延倾向 通过努力修正你的行为和消极思想 摆脱拖延的习惯 腾出时间制定计划 把每一项重大任务拆分成较小的步骤 把较小的步骤排 除适当的顺序 并且为每一个较小步骤设定一个最后期限 将你的计划形成文字 并在必要的时候是进行修正 提高你在制定计划时的效率 培养你再评估任务所需时间方面的技巧 把个人日程表用语制定计划和安排时间 制定一个每日待办列表 根据优先顺序排列 把最困难的任务安排在你工作效率最高的时间段 把记事本方法用于进度表和最

3、后期限提示 Checklist for Self Management and Goal Setting Identify your long term goals and define them in clear terms Write a personal mission statement rank your long term goals in order of importance and decide when you hope to achieve each one take full advantage of your daily experiences to make por

4、gress toward your goals divide your long term goal into specific shorter term goals set a timetable for each short term goal do something everyday toward achieving your goals prioritize your tasks on the basis of important tasks reduce time spent on urgent but unimportant tasks resist the rush of cr

5、isis mode make time for more important goals take time to get organized beginning with your desk or workspace learn to screen documents quickly and file them efficiently control interruptions such as telephone calls and unwanted visitors when appropriate say no politely but firmly when possible dele

6、gate tasks and responsibilities to others use scraps of time wisely aim for high quality in your work not for an unnecessary degree of perfection be decisive confront problems head on rather than losing time by worrying recognize and understand your procrastination tendencies break the procrastinati

7、on habit by striving to modify both your behavior and your negative thoughts make time for planning Divide each big task into small steps put the steps in the right order and set a deadline for each put your plans in writing and make revisions as needed to improve your planning effectiveness work to

8、 develop your skill in estimating the time that tasks will require use a personal calendar for planning and scheduling make a dily to do first organized by priority schedule difficult tasks during your most productive times use a trickler system for schedule and deadline reminders 我的时间日志 My Time Log 起止时间 Time Start Finish 活动 Activity 优先顺序 Priority 评论 Comments 时间冲突管理 My Time Conflicts 周 WEEK 冲突 Conflict 我怎样处理冲突 How I handle it Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 改善时间管理的方法 Ways to improve my time management





关 键  词: 自我管理 目标 设定



网址:自我管理与目标设定 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/193803


