职场平衡法则:工作与生活的界限,让生活更充实而非压力山大。 #生活乐趣# #生活分享# #旅行生活体验# #职场生活心得#
3507阅读 10赞 2** This post was written by Anastasiya. Follow me on Twitter or StumbleUpon and keep your life balanced!本文由Anastasiya撰写。请访问我的微博或者StumbleUpon,让你的生活保持平衡!
What does the number 3.184 billion tell you?三十一亿八千四百万,这一数字告诉你什么?
Most of you will have a close connection to this number even if you’ve never heard it before. 3.184 billion is the number of working people in the world (according to CIA stats.) While this number is really enormous, there is another one that will surprise you even more. About 80% of these people experience on-the-job stress and about half of them need help managing this stress (Gallup study). Considering that stress is the #1 health problem in the US today (and one of the main factors contributing to heart attacks), work/life balance and job satisfaction are not topics that can be taken lightly.即使你从未听说过这个数字,但你与它的联系却非常紧密。根据中央情报局的数据,全球范围内有三十一亿八千四百万的人在工作。这个数字着实很大,但接下来的一个数字会让你更为吃惊。据盖洛普的调查,约有80%的人感受着来自工作的压力,而他们中超过一半的人需要疏解压力。既然压力俨然成为了美国第一号健康问题(同时也是心脏病的主要诱因),我们就无法轻视工作和生活之间的平衡,以及工作带给我们的满足感。
What is your relationship with your job? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you just tolerate it? Are you crazy about it (in a good sense)? No matter what your answer is I am sure that all of us can have a little bit more work/life balance to help us stay happy and stress-free most of the time.你和你的工作处的咋样?你喜欢你的工作亦吗,或是讨厌?你正在忍受它吗?你热衷于你的工作吗?(说的好听点)。不管你的答案是与否,我敢肯定的是,我们所有人都可以在工作和生活之间得到更多的平衡,从而在绝大多数时间都开开心心,远离压力。
Approach to work/life balance should be very personal because we all have different lives, different priorities in life and different types of jobs but there are 6 rules that can help anybody feel more “in-balance” no matter what life throws at you.实现工作与生活的平衡的方式因人而异,这是因为我们的生活不同,生命的重心也各异,工作也不尽相同。但是有这样的6条法则可以让所有人都享受“平衡”,不管生活给予了你什么。
Get clear on your priorities. The problem with work – life balance starts when we try to focus on too many things at the same time. You might be trying to be a good parent, to cook only home-made meals for the family, to have the hottest body around, spend a lot of time with your friends and at the same time have high-flying career goals. I personally haven’t met a person yet who can do it all at the same time. The art of work/life balance starts with prioritizing activities in your life and compromising.弄清楚你的优先事务。当我们同时将注意力集中到很多事情的时候,工作和生活之间的平衡就开始暴露问题了。也许,你希望是一个尽职的家长,为全家人下厨,考虑全家人的冷暖,找时间与朋友欢聚;而同时你又给自己设定了崇高的事业目标。就我个人经历而言,目前尚未碰到一个可以同时完成上面所有事情的“超人”。工作和生活间的平衡,其艺术性就在于你要给自己生命中的事情排个优先的顺序,然后学会妥协。
The easiest way to set priorities in life is to ask yourself “What can’t I live without even one day?” If it’s your job then you will focus your entire life around your work (you can say good bye for the most part to free time and fun activities with your loved ones.) If you put your family first then you will be able to turn down a promotion if you realize that the extra money is probably not worth it.设定优先顺序最简单的方式就是你问问自己:生命中,离开了什么,我哪怕一天也无法活下?如果是你的工作,那么你就全身心的扑到工作上(你可以向绝大多数的自由时间以及那些与爱人共同参与的趣事说声再见)。如果你认为家庭高于一切,你就能回绝一次升迁的机会,因为你觉得为了这些钱不值当!
There are always choices that each of us has to make. There is no right or wrong way of living, but when you set priorities you should prepare yourself for the consequences of your choices.总会有一些选择我们不得不面对。生活方式不存在对与错,但是一旦你设定了优先顺序,你就要为自己的选择带来的任何结果做好准备。
One thing at a time. If you look at any A-type personality you will notice that single-tasking is the most difficult thing in the world for them. I know it for sure because I am this exact type of person. The result of doing a million things at the same time is stress, low productivity, over-exhaustion and burnout.一次只做一件事。如果你观察A血型的人,你会发现对于他们来说最难的就是一次完成一件事。对于这一点我很确定,因为我就那样的人。同时做N多事的后果就是压力如山倒,效率低下,精疲力竭,甚至过劳。
There are situations when you can combine a few tasks without any problems (you can usually combine tasks of different natures like walking and talking on the phone, thinking about a new project and working out etc.) but most of the time you have to stick to one thing.当然也有的时候,同时完成一些事情,对你来说没有问题(你可以结合几件性质不同的事,比如边散步边煲电话粥;谋划着新的目标,而且找到实现的办法),但很多时候,你只能盯着一件事。
In practice it would mean working with a single task at a time at work (at least if it’s possible.) If you work from home then you need to be working and not thinking about taking care of the kids or house chores. After work you need to stop thinking about projects or deadlines and focus on one thing: your free time or your family. There are always ways to do less, get more done and feel comfortable with your work load. Cut back on unnecessary activities. Unnecessary activities tend to clutter our schedule stealing precious time from the activities that we truly enjoy. Some of these examples can be watching TV, social media and Facebook, meeting people you don’t truly like etc.实际上,这就意味着你工作时,一段时间只去完成一个任务(至少如果这是可能的)。如果你在家工作,你就得工作,别去想照顾孩子或者干家务。下了班,就别再去想工作项目或者最后期限,只去专注于一件事:你的自由时间或者你的家庭。我们总有办法做的更少,得到更多,对于工作载荷也没有怨言。即刻停止那些不必要的活动吧!他们会搅乱我们的日程,偷走那些我们真正享受的快乐时光。比如说,看电视,上Facebook,见那些你讨厌的家伙。
Once you get your priorities clear then it should be easy for you to spot those unnecessary tasks. If you can say that you can live without this activity for a month (or forever!) then you can spend your time doing more important and meaningful things in life. Protect your “non-work” time. Your free time is an asset that you should protect at all costs. When we think about work we usually have certain hours that we have to spend working. We do not even think about other activities at that time.一旦你清楚优先顺序,你就会轻而易举地发现那些没必要做的事。如果你断言自己的生活可以一个月(甚至永久)没有活动,你就可以将时间更多的用到更重要的、更有意义的事情上去。保护你的“非工作”时间。你的自由时间是宝贵的,你应当不惜一切代价保护它。一提到工作,我们就不得不花费几个小时。而那个时候,我们就根本不会去想其他活动。
For some reason when it comes to free time we forget how important it is. Yes, it won’t bring you any extra income and won’t get you a promotion at work but it will make you a happy and balanced person.不知道是什么原因,我们根本觉察不到自由时间的宝贵性。当然,它绝不会带来额外的收入,也谈不上让你升官,但却会让你快乐,让你维持平衡的状态。
It’s a good idea to turn off your cell phone when you are away from work. If you work from home then it is vitally important to have a designated office area that you should not enter during your “off” hours. You should control your work load and not let it sabotage your rest. I’ll probably sound like an elementary school teacher, but still remember “All work and no play makes Johnny a dull (and unhappy!) boy.” Keep yourself clutter free. I don’t know about you but clutter drives me crazy (especially when I am working.) The more things you have on your desk, in your house or on your schedule the more projects you immediately envision ahead of you. The thought of having a ton of tasks ahead of you is enough to make you stressed out 24/7. It is easy to balance a few areas in life but when instead of 5-6 areas you see a zillion little things then balancing becomes a very difficult task.下了班关机,绝对是个好主意。如果你在家工作,那么请划分出一块专门的办公区域,而且下班了就坚决不进去。你要控制工作载荷,别让它吞噬了你的剩余时间。听起来,我像个小学老师,但请记住“只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻(不开心)。别让你的一切杂乱无章。我不知道你的情况,反正杂乱无章让我抓狂(特别是我在工作的时候)。屋子里、台子上,甚至你的日程表里的东西越多,你要预想的项目也就越多。摆在你面前的任务过多,会让你每一周都压力重重。权衡生命中若干领域很容易,但一下有5到6个领域,你会看到的就是无数个琐事,平衡就变成无稽之谈了。
Keep only your most essential things on your desk and in your house (you can find a few useful tips on decluttering your work space here). Declutter your schedule by getting rid of unnecessary activities. It’s a good idea to have a decluttering day every month when you get rid of everything you do not need (I absolutely love those days. I feel so energized after I finish cleaning my desk, house and schedule.) Be great at your job. One of the secrets to finding work/life balance is being satisfied with your job. If you absolutely hate what you are doing then you won’t be able to find any balance in life (I am sorry if it sounds too negative.) I believe that we all choose jobs based on our needs, skills and desires.只在你的屋子里、台子上放置最重要的事情(如何归置你的空间,请点击这里)。摆脱那些没有必要做的事,让你的日程表瘦身。每个月都有那么精简的一天,你可以抛开所有你不需要做的事,这是个好主意。(我超爱这样的日子。当打扫完书桌、房子,甚至我的日程表,我就感觉浑身精力充沛)。术业有专攻。平衡生活和工作的秘密就在于对你的工作有所满足。如果你恨透了当前的工作,那么你根本无法找到这一平衡(如果听起来有点消极,请海涵)。我相信,是我们的需求、技能和渴望,让我们选择了现在的工作。
If there is at least something that you love about your job then you should remind yourself about it as often as possible. When you are happy with what you are doing you are able to produce results, generate ideas and be great at whatever you are doing.如果你的工作中还有一些部分让你喜爱,那么就尽可能多的提醒自己这些部分。当你对工作感到快乐时,你就绝对可以创造好结果、产生新想法,也就更精于自己的工作了。
Focus on being productive, having indispensable knowledge in your field and being responsible with your tasks. Don’t confuse it with working over-time (when the only reward you can get is “Oh, that’s so nice of you to do this”), taking work home (remember about guarding your free time) or taking on projects that you are not responsible for.将注意力集中到提高效能,掌握你所在领域不可或缺的知识,以及承担工作的责任。别因为加班(当你获得的奖励只是口头上的一句:干得不错),把工作带回家(别忘了控制自己的自由时间)或者完成那些本不是你该做的项目,而让自己变得困惑。
These are just 6 basic principles of work/life balance though the topic is really enormous. Work is a huge part of our lives but it is not our whole life that is why balancing it with other activities is the basis of any life balance.尽管这一话题很庞大,但是平衡生活和工作就6条黄金法则。工作是我们生命中的一大部分,却并不是全部。这也就解释了为什么协调工作与其他活动的关系,可以为我们平衡的生活奠定基础。
I am planning to write more about work/life balance and I would love to hear your questions on this topic. Do you feel that you have mastered the art of work/life balance or are you in the constant pursuit of it? What is the toughest part of this balance for you? Please share your comments below.就权衡工作与生活这一话题,我想再多写东西,也期望听到来自你们的问题。你觉得自己掌握了平衡的艺术吗?亦或是你正在追求它?这其中对你来说最难的是哪一部分?请与我们共享你的观点。
Keep it balanced!请让你的生活保持平衡!
网址:平衡生活和工作的6条法则,让你远离压力的困扰 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/206086
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