在软装搭配上,简洁的床品、地毯和抱枕是首选。 #生活知识# #生活美学# #现代简约美学#
SOHO,即Small Office,Home Office,一种泛指居家办公的自由职业者。这样的人一般对居住空间有“不可言说”的要求,直白地讲,就是SOHO者对于自己期待的软装设计装在心中,需要设计师们去寻找最优方案为客户解决需求。那么,究竟如何设计出一套有格调又兼具功能性的书房or创意SOHO空间?中赫名雅带你寻找这其中的设计之道!
Whether you work from home or need a studyspace to get things done out of hours, finding room in the house for a homeoffice or library area makes for a valuable addition to many homes. Having ahome office can seem like the best of both worlds, but it’s important to keepin mind that this should be a productive space that keeps out the many distractionsof home. You may not have the luxury of a dedicated room to turn into your homeoffice or home library, so choose your space wisely to ensure some privacy andadequate storage. A carefully designed corner in your living room can be madeinto a productive home office or study space using clever zoning and smartfurniture choices. Your office furniture needs to include both work surfacespace and storage – never underestimate how quickly a computer desk can becomecluttered with stationery and box files.
To help you plan your home office designyou can take a look through the photos from interior designers, architects andhomeowners that showcase great home office ideas in a variety of ways, or keepreading for what else to consider when planning your office design.
How do I select the best office furniture?
For any basic home office or study set upthere are just two essential office furniture items: a computer desk and anoffice chair. If you will be a frequent home worker then you will also want toinvest in some filing cabinets and storage. Home office desks need to be largeenough to accommodate all the tools of your trade, and the material it is madefrom will set the tone for your room whether you opt for modern glass,traditional teak, luxurious mahogany or affordable pine. Investing in a goodquality task chair is imperative – there are some great ergonomic office chairsat every price level that will help to compensate for our modern,computer-bound lifestyles. If you have room for an office chair other than yourcomputer chair, choose something comfortable but still supportive for when youneed a break from your desk. Home office ideas that include bookcases and wallshelves mean your study can double as a home library. For a truly luxurioushome office design you could consider fitted office furniture which willmaximise the space you have and create a permanent space in your home dedicatedto work and study.
How do I decorate my home office?
The right ambience will make your homeoffice a place you enjoy spending time without distracting from the task in hand.Choose a colour scheme that encourages productivity for you – that may be apalette that is calming and restful, or you might feel more inspired by brightinvigorating colours and graphic prints. Decorate your study or home officewalls with items that create the right studious vibe for the room – wall maps,pinboards that can serve as mood or inspiration boards, and world clocks canall be great options when considering home office ideas. Practical necessitieslike desk lamps needn’t be unattractive – there a range of stunning designertask lamps available. After all your hard work to make this a productive space,clutter can be very distracting so limit the items on your home office desk toa couple of your favourite photographs and perhaps a trinket or two tostimulate the mind. Papers and office supplies should be tucked away, so keepthe space tidy and maintain your office as a calm work or study space thatpromotes focus – all the better to see your lovely decor with.
How do I create a home office in my smallhome?
A home office doesn’t have to mean aseparate room – the nature of working from home involves compartmentalisation,so apply this concept practically to your living area when considering homeoffice ideas. Even a small space, if ectioned off properly, can be transformedinto a great workstation or study area. Unused nooks are the perfect places tofit in a small home office design – place a desk and chair under some floating shelves, or convert anunder stairs cupboard into a snug study. Even under-utilised fitted wardrobescan make an innovative makeshift home office desk space with built-in storage.If the room you have can’t accommodate a full set of office furniture, opt for versatileoptions such as home office desks with built-in drawers or storage benches. Ifyou use a laptop instead of a desktop PC, you may even consider a folding tablethat can be simply tidied away when you’re done working or studying.Alternatively, you may want to leave the house altogether – garden offices,either purpose-built or converted from sheds, are increasingly popular as atranquil space away from the chaos of home life. If it was good enough for RoaldDahl, it’s certainly good enough for us.
How do I create a home library?
If the stuffiness of home office desks,swivel chairs and filing cabinets is too much for you, a library space may bemore your thing when it comes to study, work or even relaxation. Libraries are peacefuland quiet places, and with careful consideration you can recreate this in anarea of your home. Books are obviously going to feature heavily in your homelibrary design, and you’ll need a place to store them. A few bookcases or bookshelfunits can create room dividers if you don’t have a whole room to dedicate to ahome library, and the benefit of bookcases is that they are movable – you don’thave to stick with one layout it it’s not working. If you don’t want to take upfloor space, bookshelves hung on the walls will work just as well, and if youreally want that authentic library feel then you’ll have to go with built inbookshelves that stretch from floor to ceiling. Next all you need is a comfychair in amongst the books or a desk if you plan to do work or study from yourlibrary. Remember that library areas can be slotted in all around the home –under the stairs, in a corner of your living room or kitchen, as a mezzanine orin a small spare room.
网址:软装搭配-SOHO成瘾!是睡在了图书馆,还是在床上办公? https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/233945
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