
发布时间:2024-11-24 13:32

自我监控是提升自我认知的一个实用技巧 #生活知识# #生活心理学# #自我认知心理学#


1、42个提升自我的实用技巧(上篇) Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better? 你是一个渴望成长的人吗?你是否总在想办法提升自己、让自己变得更优秀? If you do, then we have something in common. I’m very passionate about personal growth. As I thought about the meaning of life,

2、I realized there was nothing more meaningful than to pursue a life of development and betterment. It is through improving ourselves that we get the most out of life. 如果是这样,那我们可谓志同道合。我本人非常看重个人成长。想到人生意义,我发现最有意义的莫过于追求人生的提升和完满。通过不断提升自我,我们才能收获完满人生。 As a passionate advocate of growth, I’m co

3、ntinuously looking for ways to self-improve. I’ve compiled 42 of my best tips which might be helpful in your personal growth journey. Some of them are simple steps which you can engage in immediately. Some are bigger steps which takes conscious effort to act on. Here they are: 作为倡导成长的狂热分子,我总在

4、想办法提升自我。下面是我总结的42条好建议,希望能对你的个人成长有所帮助。其中有些建议可以立刻付诸行动,而有些则需慢慢努力。请看: 1. Read a book every day. 每天读书。 Books are concentrated sources of wisdom. The more books you read, the more wisdom you expose yourself to. What are some books you can start reading to enrich yourself? Some books I’ve

5、read and found useful are Think and Grow Rich, Who Moved My Cheese, 7 Habits, The Science of Getting Rich and Living the 80/20 Way. 书籍是智慧的精华。越博览群书,越智慧超群。刚开始应该读什么样的书来充实自己呢?在读过的书中,我觉得《思考致富》、《谁动了我的奶酪》、《七大习惯》、《致富的科学》及《80/20生活经》都还不错。 2. Learn a new language. 学习新语言。 As a Singaporea

6、n Chinese, my main languages are English, Mandarin and Hokkien (a Chinese dialect). Out of interest, I took up language courses in the past few years such as Japanese and Bahasa Indonesian. I realized learning a language is a whole new skill altogether and the process of acquainting with a new langu

7、age and culture is a totally a mind-opening experience. 我是新加坡华人,主要讲英语、汉语和闽南语(中国方言)。因为感兴趣,过去几年我又学了日语及印尼语等其他语言。我发现,学习新语言绝对是门新技能,而了解语言及其文化的过程让我大开眼界。 3. Pick up a new hobby. 培养新爱好。 Beyond just your usual favorite hobbies, is there something new you can pick up? Any new sport you

8、can learn? Examples are fencing, golf, rock climbing, football, canoeing, or ice skating. Your new hobby can also be a recreational hobby. For example, pottery, Italian cooking, dancing, wine appreciation, web design, etc. Learning something new requires you to stretch yourself in different aspects,

9、 whether physically, mentally or emotionally. 除了平时喜欢的兴趣,能不能培养新爱好呢?是否可以掌握一项新运动,比如击剑、高尔夫、攀岩、足球、独木舟或滑冰?新爱好也可以是娱乐性的,比如陶艺、意式烹饪、跳舞、品酒、网页设计等。学习新事物使你在身心或情绪上接触到不同领域。 4. Take up a new course. 参加新课程。 Is there any new course you can join? Courses are a great way to gain new knowledge and

10、 skills. It doesn’t have to be a long-term course – seminars or workshops serve their purpose too. I’ve been to a few workshops and they have helped me gain new insights which I had not considered before. 是否有新课程可供参加?课程是获得新知识和技能的好方法。课程不一定非得长期性的,研讨班或讲习班也很有效。我就参加过几次讲习班,学到了很多以前不知道的新观点。 5.

11、Create an inspirational room. 布置创意房间。 Your environment sets the mood and tone for you. If you are living in an inspirational environment, you are going to be inspired every day. In the past, I didn’t like my room at all because I thought it was messy and dull. A few years ago, I decided th

12、is was the end of it – I started on a “Mega Room Revamp” project and overhauled my room. The end result? A room I totally relish being in and inspires me to be at my peak every day. 环境影响情绪并塑造风格。如果处在有创意的环境,你会每天都充满灵感。以前我一点也不喜欢自己的房间,觉得它又乱又闷。几年前,我决定结束这种状况,开始着手“房间大改造”计划,给房间动了大手术。结果呢?现在房间每天都让我感到愉悦、

13、倍有灵感! 6. Overcome your fears. 战胜恐惧。 All of us have fears. Fear of uncertainty, fear of public speaking, fear of risk… All our fears keep us in the same position and prevent us from growing. Recognize that your fears reflect areas where you can grow. I always think of fears as the co

14、mpass for growth. If I have a fear about something, it represents something I’ve yet to address, and addressing it helps me to grow. 所有人都有恐惧:害怕不确定性,害怕公共演讲,害怕冒险……这些恐惧使我们原地踏步,也阻止我们成长。请记住:恐惧恰好表明你在那个领域大有成长空间。我一向认为恐惧是成长的指南针。如果我害怕某件事,说明这件事有待我去搞定,而搞定这件事当然有助于我的成长。 7. Level up your skills.

15、 升级技能。 If you have played video games before especially RPGs, you’ll know the concept of leveling up – gaining experience so you can be better and stronger. As a blogger, I’m constantly leveling up my writing skills. As a speaker, I’m constantly leveling up my public engagement abilities. What

16、skills can you level up? 如果你以前经常玩RPG这样的电脑游戏,肯定知道“升级”的含义——累计经验,从而使自己更强更优秀。作为博主,我就时常升级我的写作技能;作为演讲者,我又常常升级我的公共参与能力。你有哪些技能可以升级呢? 8. Wake up early. 早起。 Waking up early (say, 5-6am) has been acknowledged by many (Anthony Robbins, Robin Sharma, among other self-help gurus) to improv

17、e your productivity and your quality of life. I feel it’s because when you wake up early, your mindset is already set to continue the momentum and proactively live out the day. 早起(比如早上五六点钟)在提高效率和生活质量方面的作用已被很多人肯定(安东尼-罗宾斯、罗宾-夏玛等自助书鼻祖)。我觉得这是因为,早起使大脑提前做好了蓄势待发的准备。 9. Have a weekly exercise

18、routine. 每周规律锻炼。 A better you starts with being in better physical shape. I personally make it a point to jog at least 3 times a week, at least 30 minutes each time. You may want to mix it up with jogging, gym lessons and swimming for variation. 更好的体型为你带来更好的开始。我每周至少慢跑3次,每次至少30分钟。你也可

19、以变着花样轮流慢跑、去健身馆或游泳。 10. Start your life handbook. 写本“人生手册”。 A life handbook is an idea I started 3 years ago. Basically, it’s a book which contains the essentials on how you can live your life to the fullest, such as your purpose, your values and goals. Sort of like your manual for y

20、our life. I started my life handbook since 2007 and it’s been a crucial enabler in my progress. 这个想法是我在3年前想到的。手册上包括如何创造圆满人生的基本信息,比如你的志向、价值和目标,有点类似于人生指南。我从2007年开始写自己的人生手册,因此也获得了很大进步。 11. Write a letter to your future self. 给未来的自己写封信。 What do you see yourself as 5 years from

21、now? Will you be the same? Different? What kind of person will you be? Write a letter to your future self – 1 year from now will be a good start – and seal it. Make a date in your calendar to open it 1 year from now. Then start working to become the person you want to open that letter. 5年后你会是

22、什么样子?还和现在一样吗?抑或已经变了?你会成为怎样的人?给未来的自己写封信——写给1年后的自己也可以,然后封印好。日历标注上1年后读信的日期,然后努力成为信中渴望的样子。 12. Get out of your comfort zone. 走出舒适区。 Real growth comes with hard work and sweat. Being too comfortable doesn’t help us grow – it makes us stagnate. What is your comfort zone? Do you stay in mo

23、st of the time? Do you keep to your own space when out with other people? Shake your routine up. Do something different. By exposing yourself to a new context, you’re literally growing as you learn to act in new circumstances. 真正的成长需要付诸努力与汗水。太安逸并不利于成长,而只会让我们搁浅。你的舒适区是什么?你是不是常常赖在里面?跳出舒适区和别人在一起时

24、,你会不会保留自己的空间?打破常规,尝试不同。通过接触新领域、适应新环境,你就能获得成长。 13. Put someone up to a challenge. 和别人一起挑战。 Competition is one of the best ways to grow. Set a challenge (weight loss, exercise, financial challenge, etc) and compete with an interested friend to see who achieves the target first. Throug

25、h the process, both of you will gain more than if you were to set off on the target alone. 竞争是成长的最佳途径之一。设定一项挑战(减肥、健身、经济目标等),和感兴趣的朋友相互竞争,看谁先实现目标。相对于单独行动,这么做更能两全其美。 14. Identify your blind spots. 揪出盲点。 Scientifically, blind spots refer to areas our eyes are not capable of seein

26、g. In personal development terms, blind spots are things about ourselves we are unaware of. Discovering our blind spots help us discover our areas of improvement. One exercise I use to discover my blind spots is to identify all the things/events/people that trigger me in a day – trigger meaning maki

27、ng me feel annoyed/weird/affected. These represent my blind spots. It’s always fun to do the exercise because I discover new things about myself, even if I may already think I know my own blind spots (but then they wouldn’t be blind spots would they?). After that, I work on steps to address them.

28、 科学上,盲点是指眼睛看不到的地方:就个人发展而言,盲点则是我们自身不曾察觉的方面。发现盲点有助于提升自我。我用来发现盲点的一个办法是:找出所有刺激我的人或事——所谓刺激,就是能使我愤怒、古怪或感动。这些能折射出我的盲点。这么做非常有趣,因为我总能发现自身新的特质,包括那些我自以为了解的盲点(既已了解,就算不上盲点,是吧?)。发现盲点后,我会努力攻克它们。 15. Ask for feedback. 寻求反馈。 As much as we try to improve, we will always have blind spots. Asking f

29、or feedback gives us an additional perspective. Some people to approach will be friends, family, colleagues, boss, or even acquaintances, since they will have no preset bias and can give their feedback objectively. 在提升自我的过程中,我们会发现许多盲点,而反馈则能提供给我们不同的视角。你可以向朋友、家人、同事、老板或认识的人寻求反馈,因为他们不持偏见,可以作出客观反馈

30、。 16. Stay focused with to-do lists. 专注于任务清单。 I start my day with a list of tasks I want to complete and this helps make me stay focused. In comparison, the days when I don’t do this end up being extremely unproductive. 我每天都按任务清单做事,这让我保持专注。相反,要是我哪天没这么做,肯定过得效率极低。 17. Se

31、t Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs). 设定野心勃勃的目标。 I’m a big fan of setting BHAGs. BHAGs stretch you beyond your normal capacity since they are big and audacious – you wouldn’t think of attempting them normally. What are BHAGs you can embark on, which you’ll feel absolutely on top of the worl

32、d once you complete them? Set them and start working on them. 我非常热衷于设定野心勃勃的目标。这类目标远大而又野心勃勃,远远超出了正常能力范围,平时也很少会去尝试。你最具野心的目标是什么?实现什么样的目标会让你有种站在世界顶峰的感觉?定下这样的目标,开始努力吧。 18. Acknowledge your flaws. 承认缺点。 Everyone has flaws. What’s most important is to understand them, acknowledge th

33、em, and address them. What do you think are your flaws? What are the flaws you can work on now? How do you want to address them? 谁都有缺点。重要的是承认并理解缺点,然后克服它们。你觉得自己有哪些缺点?哪些缺点是你现在就能改正的?你将怎样克服它们? 19. Get into action. 采取行动。 The best way to learn and improve is to take action. What is

34、 something you have been meaning to do? How can you take action on it immediately? Waiting doesn’t get anything done. Taking action gives you immediate results to learn from. 学习与成长的最佳途径就是行动。有哪些事是你一直想做的?你将如何立即采取行动?等待无济于事,行动才能立刻带来收获。 20. Learn from people who inspire you. 向激励你的人学习。

35、 Think about people you admire. People who inspire you. These people reflect certain qualities you want to have for yourself too. What are the qualities in them you want to have for yourself? How can you acquire these qualities? 想想你钦佩的人、激励你的人。你也渴望拥有这些人身上的某些品质吧?它们是什么呢?你将如何获得这些品质? 21. Quit a bad habit. 戒掉坏习惯。 Are there any bad habits you can lose? Oversleeping? Not exercising? Being late? Slouching? Nail biting? Smoking? Here’s some help on how you can quit a bad habit. 你是否有可以戒除的坏习惯,比如睡懒觉、不运动、迟到、懒散、咬指甲或抽烟?赶快了解如何戒除坏习惯吧。

网址:42个提升自我的实用技巧(上篇) https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/235839


如何提升自我:20 个实用的自我提升技巧
