设计时可考虑智能家居系统,实现远程控制照明。 #生活知识# #家居生活# #卧室布置建议# #照明布局技巧#
With the development of science and technology,human come in the era of electronic information. So the technology of the electronic home lighting control make a great development with the rise of electronic home. So the research on electronic home lighting control system is of great practical significance to improve people’s life quality and to promote green lighting against with the Advantages and disadvantages of the existing Intelligent Lighting Control System and according to people's behavior patterns of residential and light environment.
This paper mainly does research in the commonly used method of the design of the home-lighting systems, according to the basic concept of smart lighting, lighting quality, home illumination standards, methods and types of lighting, the choice of light source, the control of the electronic home and gives the typical residential lighting technology of every room. At the same time this paper pointed out that in the design of lighting systems, not only need according to the specific occasion to achieve the demand lighting environment, but also should pay attention to energy conservation and green lighting.
This paper makes an analysis on the control theory and the advantages and disadvantages of the existing smart lighting. It designs the electronic home lighting systems and introduces the method of the software system and hardware system in designing. The controller of this system uses AT89S51 and makes program with C language. It uses the photodiode to detect light and make a dimming in the PWM way.At the same time it designs a plus and minus 12-volt DC power supply. In the specific design of hardware this paper mainly designs for lighting detection, display and some compensation. After commissioning, the design can completely realize the function of system. Furthermore, it reserves the RS232 interface,make the space for the using digital networks in future.
Key words: intelligent home; lighting control technology; light environment; lighting quality; lighting detection; light compensation
网址:智能家居照明控制系统毕业设计论文 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/241710
三水智能照明 智能照明控制系统设计 临沂智能照明控制系统