
发布时间:2024-11-24 22:55

用磁铁做照片架:将磁性贴纸贴在照片背面,再在冰箱门或墙上贴上吸铁石,照片可以随意更换位置。 #生活技巧# #手工DIY技巧# #手工创意#

Just stick to love you, magnetic refrigerator
Shanghai YingGui magnetic industry co., LTD. The main production of refrigerator magnet consists of the main material of rubber magnet and some additional materials such as paper printing peritoneal/PVC peritoneal/reflective material/laser film, and so on material, through a framed, hot pressing, die cutting, etc. The whole process is made and be become. Widely used products, small, beautiful. Welcome new and old customers call, letter consultation!
Magnetic refrigerator was originally a disk with coated paper and added to the raw materials, such as a refrigerator decorations, but in the process of development, has the very big change. First the function, in addition to the adornment effect, and record to remind function, namely magnetic tablet with magnetic bookmarks, the two can be directly on the fridge, to record remind friends and family. Still have a kind of magnetic photo frame, can put the family lover's photos, very warm. Magnetic refrigerator is very convenient, as long as gently stick, can stick to the refrigerator, and torn off without leaving any traces. Now magnetic refrigerator lovely modelling, style diversity, very beautiful. A cartoon type on modelling, fruit type, vehicle type, the model can be determined by the customer free; Material with soft rubber, wood, plastic, glass, tin and so on, from ordinary to senior, freedom of choice space is very big!

Refrigerator magnet

网址:就爱黏住你,【磁性冰箱贴】!冰箱贴磁铁片,强力磁铁片,圆磁铁片,橡胶单面磁铁 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/244817


SHIMOYAMA 霜山 日本霜山磁力贴磁铁贴片带背胶粘贴式引磁片固定教具磁贴冰箱贴 10.8元
卡通可爱磁性冰箱贴软胶留言贴纸便利贴黑板记事磁铁吸铁石吸磁贴 14.8元(需用券)
磁力冰箱贴挂钩磁贴强力磁铁无痕网红立体吸铁石一套创意个性收纳 22.2元
绿盒子 可爱磁铁冰箱贴 卡通硅胶动物磁性冰箱贴10个装 颜色随机
玛丽弟弟冰箱贴磁贴创意 可爱卡通动物磁扣吸磁贴软胶磁铁立体磁性厨房墙面装饰贴 木质冰箱贴 15个 0.13元(需买8件,共1元,需用券)
冰箱磁性记录贴 磁贴 冰箱贴 磁性装饰贴 任意形状 来图定制
