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城市生活方式研究中的慢生活理念 #生活乐趣# #生活分享# #城市生活观察# #城市生活方式研究#
城市发展战略文章编号:1009-6000(2012)06-0095-06中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:A项目基金:河南省教育厅自然科学研究项目(2011B170009)成果之一。作者简介:王立(1984-),男,山西长治人,讲师,研究方向:城市社会地理学,城市与社区规划。国外慢城市生活研究进展及启示Progress and Inspiration of Research on Slow Living in Cities Abroad浏览量:WANG Li摘要:近10 年来,国外发达国家在慢餐、慢城、慢活等倡导性运动的基础上演绎出慢城市生活的研究,与低碳城市、人文城市、社会城市等理念一道成为城市研究的新领域。本文回溯了国外慢城市生活研究的缘起、慢城市联盟框架及实质,结合中国城市发展的实际,提出了以慢城市理念为基础的城市生活空间及阶层化生活行为方式的城市研究,目的在于抗衡我国城市化快速发展阶段的城市重经济发展轻社会生活及空间剥夺等生活不公平现象,构建人本、包容的城市生活空间及发展方向。关键词:
慢城;城市生活;生活质量;个体生活;Abstract: In the last decade, slow life in city as a new area of research on urban development has become a hot point in western developed countries from the slow food, slow cities, slow living and other advocacy movement with the integration of the low-carbon city, human city, social city, cultural city and other new concept of cities. The paper firstly reviewed the origin of slow living cities, the framework and virtue of Cittaslow International Network. Secondly, with the actual development of Chinese cities, it proposed the concept of urban living space and the stratification behavior of urban life based on new areas of research on slow cities, the purpose of study was to counter urban living unfairness in the background of the rapid development of urbanization, and build impartial and inclusive urban living space and the humanistic direction of urban development. What’s more, it is important to change the state that our domestic scholars focused on the field of overall economic development, underrating the individual social life for a long time.Key words: slow cities; urban living; quality of life; individual life在线投稿专家审稿读者登录
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网址:国外慢城市生活研究进展及启示 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/245233