
发布时间:2024-11-25 00:19

企业应定期进行能源审计,找出节能潜力。 #生活常识# #环保节能技巧# #节能减排法规#


19 1 V ol. 19 N o. 1 2009 3 JO U RN A L O F EM CC M ar . 2009 扬州市农业节能减排的潜力分析 戴 敬, 周学金, 郑 伟, 朱平庆, 罗永根 ( 扬州市农业局, 江苏扬州225002) : 本文结合扬州市农业生产的实际, 重点从化肥投入量的控减农作物秸秆 畜禽粪便 的资源化再利用等三 个方面, 分析扬州市农业节能减排的潜力结果表明, 扬州市农业节能减 排的潜力巨大, 只要完善相应的节能减排措施, 通过农业生产节能 农业生产废弃物的能源化 利用, 每年可产生330 万t 煤炭的节能效益据此, 提出了推进扬州市农业节能减排的对策 : 节能减排 农业 潜力 : X 71 : A : 1008- 813( 2009) 0 1- 0053- 05 Study on the Potential of Agricultural Energy Saving and Emission Reduction in Yangzhou City Dai Jin g, Zhu Xu ejin , Zheng W ei, Zhu Pingqin g, L uo Y ongg en (A g r icul tural B ur eau of Yangz hou City , Yangz hou J i ang s u 225002) Abstract: Combining w it h t he agricult ural act u al sit u at ion in Y ang zhou, t he paper st u died the pot ent ial of ag ricult ural energ y saving and em issio n redu ction on t he co nt ro l and r educ- t ion o f chemical f ert iliz er input s, com prehen siv e ut iliz at ion of cro p str aw , and comprehen sive ut ilizat io n of livest o ck and poult ry . s manur e in Y angz ho u. R esults indicat e t h at t he pot ent ial of agr icultural energ y saving and emission r educt io n in Y angz ho u is great. By r educing t he a- m ount o f chemical fert ilizer input s and energy u sing the w ast e f rom agr icultural pro du ct ion , it s annu al energ y- saving benefit s m ay be up t o 3 300 000 t coal. A ccording ly, the co rre- spo nding st rat egy and measures on pr omot ing agr icultural energ y- saving and emis sion re- duct io n in Y angz ho u w er e put f orw ard. Key words: sav ing energy and reducing emis sion ag ricult ure po tential , ,

网址:扬州农业节能减排的潜力分析 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/245954


