打开Arc Map出现license错误代码=
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打开Arc M叩出现license错误代码=15的解决办法 Provide your license server administrator with the following information: Error Code =-15 Cannot connect to license server system. The license server manager (Imgrd) has not been started yet, the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the port or hostname in the license file has been changed. Feature:ARC/INFOServer name: localhost License path: @localhost;Fl exNet Licensing error:-15,570 确定打开Arc Map出现license错误 License Provide your license server administrator with the following information:Error Code = -15Cannot connect to license server system.The license server manager (Imgrd) has not been started yetthe wrong port@host or license file is being used, or theport or hostname in the license file has been changed.Feature:ARC/INFOServer name: localhost License path: @localhost;FlexNet Licensing error:-15,570 翻译如下: 许可证向许可证服务器管理员提供以下信息:错误代码=-15 无法连接到许可证服务器系统。许可证服务器管理器(Imgrd)尚未正确启动port@host或 正在使用许可证文件,或许可证文件中的端口或主机名已更改。功能:ARC/INFOServer名称: localhost许可证路径:@localhost; FlexNet 许可错误:-15570解决方法:重新读取许可证(License) 步骤:①从开始菜单中打开License Server Administrator (许可证服务器管理员)②重新读取许可,完成后点击确定 ③重新打开Arc Map,即可正常使用 I Adobe Acrobat X Pro Internet Explorer Windows Media Player Windows Update TOC \o 1-5 \h \z Windows传国口扫病/、 XPS Viewer[1\ 乐\ 1 / 默认程序、一^/ 360安全中心 Adobe LiveCycle ES2 ArcGIS ArcCatalog 10.2 要 ArcGIS Administrator ? ArcGIobe 10.2 Q ArcMap 10.2 。ArcScene 10.2 ArcGIS for Desktop Help Desktop Tools License Manager ? License Manager Reference Guic 等 License Server Adrmnistrator 上 Python 2.7、 ArcGIS中国工具 Autodesk\ Microsoft Office 星案程序和文件?返回 星案程序和文件 /岁 ArcGIS License Server Administrator - 10.2臼 碑 ArcGIS (XTZJM) 巳启动/停止许可服务 白可用性 iia授权 诊断您可在此页面中启动和停止许可服务并重新读取您的许可。 启动许可服务器状态:正在运行 口 Adobe Acrobat X Pro @ Internet Explorer iQlWindows Media Pl aye Windows Update 国Windows传亘和拧描 Y XPS Viewer 就髭我音乐 c■人强 36帙全中心 Adobe LiveCycle ES2 N ArcGISArcCatalog 10.2 ArcGIS Administrator ArcGIobe 10.2 ArcMap 10.2 Q ArcScene lufc ArcGIS for D^ktop Help Desktop Tool
网址:打开Arc Map出现license错误代码= https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/273590
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