《糖尿病饮食康复》- 针对糖尿病患者的饮食调整建议 #生活技巧# #健康生活方式# #健康生活方式书籍# #疾病康复指南#
1. 定时定量、化整为零。正常人推荐一日三餐,规律进食,每顿饭进食量基本保持平稳。但糖友们可以采用少量多餐。在血糖控制良好的情况下,我们可以吃水果,以补充维生素。但一般不要饭后立即进食。可以选择饭后2小时食用水果。吃的时候将水果分餐,如:一个苹果分2-4次吃完,而不要一口气吃完。
1. 适当控制饮食量,宜少食多餐,一日不少于三餐,有条件上下午安排进食及睡前进食,既保证吸收,又能减轻对胰岛的负担。
2. 早餐量要少,进餐时间要规律。少吃零食。
"Dailythree-minute health talk"
Precautionsfor the diet of diabetic patients
Dear friends:
nice to meet you!
Now it is time for "health talk for threeminutes every day". Myname is Luo Shanshan, a doctor of Daojian Doctor Group of CardiovascularRehabilitation. Today,I will mainly introduce some precautions for the diet of diabetic patients.
Diet therapy for diabetes is the most basic and important,While for those patients withpoor blood sugar control through diet therapy,reasonable hypoglycemic drugtreatment is also needed, as well as exercise.Carbohydrate is the main cause ofthe increase in blood sugar,rice, noodles, potato and other food that weusually eat containing rich starch,all belong to carbohydrate foods,So that,staple food should be well controlled.However, after the ingestion ofnon-staple food, the protein and fat in non-staple food can also be partiallyconverted into blood sugar.So that, main and non-staple food of each meal mustbe arranged scientifically and reasonably.
Eatingrules should be kept in mind:
First, timingquantitative and rounding to zero.
HealthyPeople are recommended to take regular eating and stable amount of food withthree meals a day.While diabetics are recommended to have more meals a day butless food at each.With good blood sugar control, diabetics can eat fruit tosupplement vitamins. while fruit immediately after meals is not recommended.You can choose to eat fruit 2 hours after meals.When eating, divide the fruit into meals, for example, anapple could be divided into 2-4 times, rather than finishing it all at once.
Second, eat dry food, not dilute.
Dry food, such as steamed bread, rice, cake, is recommended, rather thanporridge.The truth is that the thinner the diet one take, the faster the bloodsugar rises,so no matter what porridge is not suitable for eating.
Third, eat solid but not soft.
Both of the solid and soft are dry food, however, we prefer a little hard to a little soft.
Fourth, eat green, but not red.
In general, green food types are plants containing chlorophyll like greenvegetables,and red food types are always high in sugar which is not suitable toeat.So, the green is always comparative safer than the red.
First, proper dietary control
You should eat more meals with less amount each meal, not less than threemeals a day,and you are advised to eat before noon, at afternoon and beforebedtime if possible,which can both ensure better absorption and reduce the burden on theislets.
Second, a small breakfast, regular meal time and less snacks arerecommended.
Inaddition, monitoring of blood sugar on time is very important, and don't forgetit,as well as carrying sugar cubes with you when you go out .to prevent theoccurrence of hypoglycemia.
Finally, I wish you all ahappy life and good health!To learn more about coronary heart disease, pleasepay attention to us. See you next time.
网址:【每天健康三分钟】糖尿病患者饮食,你吃对了吗? https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/283574
糖尿病患者饮食 一日三餐怎么吃
慢病饮食调理|2.控制血糖, 糖尿病患者还可以吃水果吗?