Design of Indoor Environment Monitoring and Controling System Based on IoT
Abstract:In recent years, the technology of the Internet of Things has developed rapidly, and people's lives are inseparable from the Internet in every aspect. Various intelligent product concepts have emerged one after another. Smart home is to connect the home intelligence, it can connect with the Internet through the wireless sensor module, and people can remotely control all connected devices under the home network. This paper designs an indoor environment monitoring and control system based on the ESP8266-12E wireless Wi-Fi module that is launched by Anxin Kefa with temperature and humidity environment monitoring function, intelligent humidity regulation and air purification.
This design uses the SHT20 digital temperature and humidity sensor as a data collector to detect the temperature and humidity in the air. The wireless Wi-Fi module sends the data measured by the SHT20 digital temperature and humidity sensor to the cloud platform. The cloud platform accepts the data stream and displays the data. Realize the real-time update data function. At the same time, the design will use Python to design a web server to read the data stream data on the cloud platform, insert the data into the MySQL database, and operate on the saved data. Based on the analysis of the indoor environment, the system automatically starts the ultrasonic atomization device and the negative ion generator so as to achieve the function of purifying the air environment and satisfy people's demands for a high-quality and safe living environment.
Key words:Internet of Things; ESP8266-12E; Cloud Platform; Python;MySQL Database
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 论文结构 2
1.4 论文主要研究内容 2
2 室内环境监测控制系统需求分析及总体方案设计 4
2.1 室内环境监测控制系统需求分析 4
2.2 室内环境监测控制系统总体方案设计 4
3 系统硬件的设计 5
3.1 系统的硬件总体设计 5
3.2 系统硬件部分设计 5
3.2.1 ESP8266-12E无线Wi-Fi模块的设计 5
3.2.2 SHT20数字温湿度传感器的设计 8
3.2.3 超声波雾化器、负离子发生器的设计与原理 10
4 系统软件的设计 13
4.1 系统的软件总体设计 13
4.2 MQTT协议 13
4.2.1 MQTT协议概念 13
4.2.2 MQTT协议特点 13
4.2.3 MQTT协议消息类型 14
4.3 系统的软件设计流程图 14
4.4 系统的净化功能软件设计 15
4.5 web服务器建立与获取操作数据设计 15
4.5.1 数据库的选择与建立 15
4.5.2 web服务器建立 16
5系统调试及功能性能测试 18
5.1 SHT20数字温湿度传感器模块相关程序测试 18
5.2 ESP8266 12E的 Wi-Fi连接测试 18
5.3 与云平台连接测试 19
5.4 传输数据测试 19
5.5 web服务器页面显示 20
5.6 总结 24
6 总结与展望 25
6.1总结 25
6.2展望 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27