禁止焚烧电子垃圾,以防环境污染 #生活技巧# #环保生活小窍门# #电子垃圾处理#
摘要: 随着城市生活垃圾的迅猛增加,生活垃圾焚烧飞灰产生量也与日俱增,2018年我国生活垃圾焚烧飞灰产生量达305.5万~509.2万t。其因含有较高浸出浓度的重金属和高毒性当量的二噁英等有毒有害物质,属于危险废物。根据生活垃圾焚烧飞灰特性,详细介绍了其资源化和无害化技术,总结了各类技术的优缺点;结合生活垃圾焚烧飞灰环境管理需求,分析了我国城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰在填埋处置管理体系不完善、利用处置过程标准规范缺失、处理处置技术有限等方面的具体原因;并提出强化城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰环境污染综合整治、强化飞灰污染防治的监督管理与研发、推广飞灰资源化利用技术等对策建议,以加强城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰环境管理,提高其资源化利用水平。
Abstract: With the rapid increase of municipal solid waste (MSW), the output of fly ash from MSW incineration is increasing day by day. In 2018, fly ash output reached 3.055 million to 5.092 million tons. Fly ash was considered as a kind of hazardous waste because it contained toxic and harmful substances such as heavy metals with high leaching concentration and dioxin with high toxic equivalent. According to the characteristics of fly ash from domestic waste incineration, the resource utilization and harmless disposal technologies of fly ash were introduced in detail, and the advantages and disadvantages of technologies were summarized. Combined with the environmental management requirements of MSW incineration fly ash, the specific reasons for the incomplete landfill management system, the lack of standards and specifications in the utilization and disposal process, and the limited treatment and disposal technologies of fly ash were analyzed. In order to strengthen the environmental management of fly ash and improve the level of its resource utilization, it was proposed to enhance the comprehensive control of the environmental pollution of fly ash, strengthen the supervision and management of the prevention and control of fly ash pollution, and strengthen the research and development and promotion of the resource utilization technology of fly ash.
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武环审〔2021〕13号 市生态环境局关于武汉城市生活垃圾焚烧发电厂生活垃圾分类资源化预处理及环保提标改造(炉排炉改造)项目环境影响报告书的批复