北京胡同里找寻老北京生活气息 #生活乐趣# #旅行建议# #文化旅游景点#
老宅改造 | 北京生活室咖啡 Living Room Coffee
北京市 西城区 大栅栏街道 炭儿胡同23号
How can we preserve the original charm of an old hutong residence, while injecting modern new elements?That was our biggest challenge when tackling the refurbishment of this 70-year-old hutong yard.
Living Room Coffee is located at Tan’er Hutong in the historic Dashilar neighbourhood. Before us, there were no other shops in our hutong. As a new arrival in the neighbourhood, we approached the refurbishment of our yard with one main principle – to create a space that preserves the original look and feel of our yard, such that the new space can fit naturally and harmoniously with its environment. This is our way of showing respect for our neighbours, and encompasses the type of lifestyle we wish to convey to our customers – to live naturally, openly, and unpretentiously.
Living Room Coffee’s logo adopts three squares as its main design element, symbolising the three houses within our old hutong yard. The open corner in the logo signifies the brand’s open-mindedness in welcoming guests and collaborators to complete the Living Room experience together. To reinforce our brand value, creating an open space was as such one of our main goals in the refurbishment. More importantly, we adopted a user-centric approach in considering the refurbishment work – the type of experience we hoped to provide our customers, and how we envisioned them using the space were all key considerations.
We removed a large number of walls in the space on the first day of renovation works.
To preserve the charm of the old hutong yard, we focused on repairing and beautifying the original structures and materials of the house. A large number of walls were removed to open up the space that once housed seven families within its grounds. At the same time, we removed ceilings that were put in by the residents to reveal the beautiful wood structure beneath. Once we had reverted the yard to its bare state, we carried out works to remove existing paint, repair, reinforce and beautify the aged wooden beams. We also carefully upcycled some of the old windows and doors for use again in our final interiors.
A large part of the refurbishment focused on restoring the hutong yard to its bare state. From there, we carried out the necessary repair, reinforcement and beautification works.
We carefully removed and restored this old door, which is now used as the washroom door in the completed space.
左图:屋顶增设的天窗让室内一天都能享受自然光。 右图:增设天窗之前和之后的对比图。
Left: The addition of skylights enables the interiors to enjoy natural light all day long. Right: A comparison of lighting conditions before and after the addition of skylights.
Second, we placed emphasis on improving the lighting conditions of the interiors. In order to let in natural light to the dim houses, we built in skylights at two parts of the roof. We also added a glass roof in what was originally an outdoor yard, in effect transforming it into a part of the indoor space. This allows the space to be used all year round, regardless of weather conditions. The open-style coffee bar is placed directly under the roof and enjoys daylong sunlight, making it a natural point of attention and convergence in the space. The customer can also view the entire process of his/her drink being made – a customer experience that complements our brand value of being open-minded.
Looking up from under the glass roof, one can enjoy a spectacular view of the old tree in the yard, and its changing looks during different seasons. Daily weather conditions also result in changing light and shadow play on our concrete walls, exhibiting an understated sense of poetic beauty. Such sensory experiences form an important part of the unique Living Room Coffee experience.
Apart from creating an open and bright space, we also set out to influence how the customer uses the space through the choice of furniture. Instead of individual small tables, there are more big communal tables and bar counters to facilitate communication between strangers, who would share the space sitting side-by-side. An open space concept also means that we can organically calibrate the setup of the space and furniture to accommodate the different requirements of our collaborators, who would hold events or exhibitions in our spaces.
This is the type of experience we hope to provide to everyone who steps into Living Room Coffee. And this is how we have achieved it through careful design of our space.
网址:老宅改造|北京生活室咖啡 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/318456
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