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2019 “Future City” International Design Competition

一、竞赛背景 Background

“Future City” International Design Competition, co-hosted by China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as CMSK) and China Climate Youth Network (CYCAN) and supported by The China Merchants Charitable Foundation, is an architecture and urban design contest. The challenge aims to encourage youth design talents to increase awareness in urban development social issues, and come up with innovative solutions from creative design lens and diverse perspectives. The challenge has received thousands of submissions over the years from youth talents dedicated to address social issues. The competition sets up two parts alternately to carry out, “Future City International Paper Competition” and “Future City International Design Competition”.  Each year, this competition is open to young talents for innovative and outstanding works.


As a pioneer in advocating green development, CMSK has been a thought leader in raising young people’s especially design talents’ awareness in green architecture and urban design, and continuously contributing to provide a communication platform for young design talents. Since 2007, this year will be their 13th year holding design challenge around the topic of green architecture, and it has been a great success in the past years that over 2000 young designers from leading institutions have participated in this great work, presenting wonderful design works.


2019 “Future City” International Design Competition is now open for application. 

二、竞赛宗旨 Position

“Future City” International Design Competition is a communication and competing platform for young design talents globally, and is also a space for youth passionate about design to realize their dream. The challenge values the intersection of creative thinking on the theoretical level and real-life significance of innovative solutions on the practical level. With this mission, the committee would also try best to cultivate communication among people who own innovative ideas, leading expert in the field, and corporates in demand of creative solutions, to facilitate ideas from the infant stage to actually landing in practice.

三、竞赛主题 Theme

Rapid changes are happening everyday: digitalization and information revolution change people’s lifestyle; climatic environmental issues bring new social challenges; technology innovation drives changes in city infrastructure; VR technology enables emerging applications in cross-space interaction, etc.


This year’s design competition will center around 2 areas: ecological infrastructure and the green human living environment, and participants are expected to submit work either adopting new technology/equipment, or creative use of existing ones, to approach the challenge in 3 perspectives: health, technology, and sustainability. Below are some recommended topics, but feel free to develop your own. 

How can we improve cities’ coping capacity towards social and environmental changes from the perspective of resilience?

In what form will future city present given the challenges under unsustainable development and climate change?

How can human promote smart city construction in the age of rapid technology development?

四、参赛对象及要求 Eligibility

Participants should be enrolling students (undergraduate/graduate/PhD) or young designers in work;

Talents in architecture, engineering, design, environmental studies, management-related field or who have strong interest in the topic are preferred.

All entries should be original work based on stated topics; student participants should be supervised by an adviser.

Individual or group participants are welcome, and group participants should be no more than 5 people.

五、竞赛流程 Procedures
1、报名与作品提交周期 Registration and submission period: 2019/4/12 ~ 2019/6/15
2、报名形式与作品提交 Submission form and detailed instructions:

第一步 Step 1
Click on the registration link, and fill in information. (Registration link: http://lxi.me/p-xc7)

第二步 Step 2
请在作品提交截止日期前将作品发送至:futurecitydesign@126.com;邮件主题和附件名称均为: “参赛-学校院系名/机构名-年级/职务-姓名-作品名称-联系电话”;上述两步完成后视为报名成功,组委会会在收到完整报名资料的5个工作日之内发出确认报名邮件。
Please email your work to futurecitydesign@126.com before the deadline; the subject line and name of your attached file should be “[Participant]-[School/Institution Name]-[Grade/Position]-[Name]-[The Title]-[Phone Number]”. Only after you have finished both steps will you be considered registered successfully. The committee will send confirmation email to you within 5 business days after you finish submissions.

3、设计作品要求 Requirements:

We do not accept entries that has been submitted in other contests of any kind, or has been published by others previously. Please don’t include any information indicating the name or the school/institution in your work either. Any work that fails to meet these requirements would consider a voluntary give-up.

*All entries should include the following items: 
一张展现设计成果的海报。请以少量文字配合图片清晰阐述设计概念、构思和其他必要说明。建议海报的最大尺寸为A0 (33.1 x 46.8 in),采用竖向排版,以不超过20MB、分辨率300dpi的PDF格式上传;
A poster that demonstrates your work. Please include necessary explanations of your design philosophy, concept, and other things that you would like the committee to recognize. The maximum size of the poster is A0 (33.1 x 46.8 in), and vertical layout is preferred. The poster should not exceed 20MB and 300dpi. Please submit the PDF version of the poster.

A short PowerPoint (maximum of 10 pages) should also be submitted along with your poster to clearly showcase your design philosophy, design process, rationale of feasibility, and etc. The PowerPoint should not exceed 20MB. Please submit the PDF version of the PowerPoint.

4、方案评审 Review Stage:2019/4-2019/7

(1) 内容审查 First Round (Online):
Primary Screening: The committee will conduct primary screening on all entries based on project fit, format check, and eligibility check. It will typically take less than 5 working days for the committee to get back to participants by email after submission. 

(2) 网上初审 First Round (Online):所有参赛作品收集完成后会提交给评委会进行网上初评,确定最终入围的20强,并评选出优胜的8强作品。
All works that are submitted successfully will be present to the judging panel, and shortlisted participants will be notified.

(3) 现场终审 Final Round (Onsite):
Works that are ranked Top 8 in the first round will be proceeded to the Future City Forum. The judging panel will review and grade the entire works and decide on the final winners. (The whole review and grading process will be carried out anonymously) 

Announcement and Awards Ceremony: 2019/7/15

六、竞赛奖励 Awards

Gold Award – “Future City Award” 1 individual/team, will receive certificate + 30,000RMB;

Silver Award – “City Star Award” 1 individual/team, will receive certificate + 20,000RMB;

Bronze Award – “City Dreamer Award” 1 individual/team, will receive certificate + 10,000RMB;

Excellence Award – “Future Leader” 5 individuals/teams, will receive certificate + 5,000RMB;

Other Top 20 participants will receive certificate and 2,000RMB;

Top 8 participants are required to participant in the Future City Forum for onsite judging and award ceremony, otherwise we would regard it as a quitclaim.

七、评审标准 Standard of Review

The entry should meet the requirements of the prompt.

The design program should confirm to relevant laws and regulations.

The entry should be original and well reflects independent thinking, critical thinking, and creativity.

The sustainability and feasibility of design program are important.

Foresightedness is encouraged with the premise of scientific, reasonable, and feasible concerns.

八、版权说明 Copyrights


Participants are allowed to retain the copyrights of entries but authors license to the committee, to distribute works in both printed and electronic formats for commercial purposes. The committee reserves right of final interpretation of this competition.

九、联系方式 Contacts
“Future City” International Design Competition Committee

联系电话 Mobile:010-64610203
电子邮箱 Email:futurecitydesign@126.com

网址:2019年“未来城市”国际创新设计竞赛,10万+大奖等你来拿! https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/327675


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