无障碍设计需遵守《无障碍环境建设条例》 #生活技巧# #家居装修建议# #无障碍设计#
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1. 哈尔滨工业大学建筑与设计学院, 哈尔滨 150006;
2. 自然资源部寒地国土空间规划与生态保护修复重点实验室, 哈尔滨 150006;
3. 福建省城乡规划设计研究院, 福州 350003
{{custom_authorNodes}}Barrier-free environment evaluation of livability living streets based on the needs analysis of visually impaired population —A case of the historic district, Harbin
Author information-
1. School of Architecture and Design, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150006, China;
2. Key Laboratory of National Territory Spatial Planning and Ecological Restoration in Cold Regions, Ministry of Natural Resources, Harbin 150006, China;
3. Fujian Urban and Rural Planning Design Institute, Fuzhou 350003, China
This article takes the travel needs of visually impaired population as the entry point and the barrier-free environment of urban living streets that are essential for travel as the research object. Firstly, 18 visually impaired individuals were selected to conduct semi-structured interviews, and the built environment data of the study area was obtained through open-source data and field research. Secondly, based on the Grounded Theory, the intense degree of travel willingness of the visually impaired people was correlated with their travel needs, i. e., "able to travel" corresponds to safety, "easy to travel" corresponds to convenience, and "willing to travel" corresponds to comfort, and then constructs an evaluation system for the accessibility of living streets in 3 dimensions - safety, convenience and comfort. Finally, taking the living streets in the historical district(Daoli area) in Harbin as the empirical object, the barrier-free environments of the streets were evaluated, and the problems and spatial characteristics were summarized from the 3 dimensions of safety, convenience and comfort, so as to propose optimization strategies such as the diversification of the types of barrier-free facilities for the visually impaired, providing scientific support for the construction of barrier-free environment and the practice of high quality urban street renewal.
视觉障碍人群 /生活性街道 /扎根理论 /无障碍环境评价 /哈尔滨历史城区{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
visually impaired population /livability living streets /Grounded Theory /barrier-free environment evaluation /historical district in Harbin{{custom_keyword}} /
戴锏, 陈心朗, 陈璐露, 王春琦.
0" m-for-array="{{authorList_cn}}" m-for-val="custom_author" m-for-index="custom_index">0">, {{custom_author.name_cn}}.基于视觉障碍人群需求分析的生活性街道无障碍环境评价——以哈尔滨历史城区为例[J]. 科技导报, 2024, 42(17): 130-143 https://doi.org/10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2023.09.01450
DAI Jian, CHEN Xinlang, CHEN Lulu, WANG Chunqi.
0" m-for-array="{{authorList_en}}" m-for-val="custom_author" m-for-index="custom_index">0">, {{custom_author.name_en}}.Barrier-free environment evaluation of livability living streets based on the needs analysis of visually impaired population —A case of the historic district, Harbin[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2024, 42(17): 130-143 https://doi.org/10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2023.09.01450
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网址:基于视觉障碍人群需求分析的生活性街道无障碍环境评价——以哈尔滨历史城区为例 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/354157
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