观看英语影视剧,模仿发音和语调 #生活技巧# #学习技巧# #英语口语提升#
spContent=哲人说:“读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀…逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。凡有所学,皆成性格”。 智者说:“一个人的阅读史或观影史就是其心灵成长史”。 语言魅力结合电影艺术,谈吐之间、虚实之变、光影入眼,体悟入心,必有所得。 苏州大学“英语影视欣赏”是见证你青春历程的心灵伴旅。期待你的加入!
哲人说:“读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀…逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。凡有所学,皆成性格”。 智者说:“一个人的阅读史或观影史就是其心灵成长史”。 语言魅力结合电影艺术,谈吐之间、虚实之变、光影入眼,体悟入心,必有所得。 苏州大学“英语影视欣赏”是见证你青春历程的心灵伴旅。期待你的加入!
—— 课程团队
Mona Lisa Smile
课时目标:To contemplate the value of higher education
1.1 The movie's background information and the dominant ideology of women's education in the 1950s
1.2 Analysis of the changes Miss Watson has made to her students and the power of higher education
1.3 Further analysis of the power of higher education, the main characters and the significance of the movie title
The Devil Wears Prada
课时目标:To discuss life-career balance issues
2.1 The movie's background information and Miranda's character at the beginning of the movie
2.2 Difficulties Andrea encounters at the beginning stage of her career and her attitude toward challenges
2.3 Changes in Andrea’s attitude toward her career and life and the balance between life and career
课时目标:To get to know about the technological wonder and some realistic themes created by Avatar
3.1 Introduction to Avatar as a sci-fi film and its director
3.2 Explanation of the concept of civilization and barbarism with film clips
3.3 Analysis of who is more civilized, the human or the Na'vi
Pride and Prejudice
课时目标:To get to know about the artistic and thematic success of the film, define "true love" and develop ideal matrimonial value orientation
4.1 Introduction to the book Pride and Prejudice and its author, the book's TV and film adaptations and the artistic and thematic success of the 2005 version
4.2 Analysis of Elizabeth and Darcy's respective pride and prejudice
4.3 Analysis of how Elizabeth and Darcy swallow their pride and reject their prejudice to end up together
The Shawshank Redemption
课时目标:To probe into the themes of the movie to figure out the meanings of redemption, freedom, hope and faith, appreciate the techniques applied in the story narration and throw light on our own spiritual world in real life and how to keep worldly distractions at bay and our soul free
5.1 Introduction to the magic year of 1994 and the reasons of failure and success behind the film
5.2 Discussion of how the stories of supporting roles relate to that of Andy
5.3 The implications of the film title, and analysis of how Andy’s hope, courage and endurance sustain him
The Divine Michelangelo
课时目标:To get to know about Michelangelo's life as a sculptor, a painter and an architect, unveil "mysteries" about his success and appreciate his major artworks
6.1 Interpretation of the saying "Time makes heroes"
6.2 Analysis of "mysteries" about Michelangelo's success
6.3 Appreciation of Michelangelo's major artworks
Freaky Friday
课时目标:To get to know about generation gap, specific generations in the U.S. and four parenting styles, analyze conflicts between Mom and Daughter and come up with ways to bridge the generation gap and achieve successful communication
7.1 Specific terms for different generations in the U.S. and four parenting styles
7.2 Analysis of conflicts between Mom and Daughter and how they change back
7.3 Ways to bridge the generation gap and achieve successful communication
The Martian
课时目标:To have some basic knowledge about sci-fi movies on the theme of Mars; To appreciate positive attitudes and heroism of the major character displayed in dealing with the harsh environment on Mars in fighting for survival
8.1 Introduction to the genre of sci-fi movies on outer space and the history of sci-fi movies on the theme of Mars
8.2 Analysis of the first theme — survival
8.3 Analysis of the second theme — rescue
2.Q; 我课程设置比较重,有时候未能及时完成单元测试,会影响成绩么?
网址:英语影视欣赏 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/355212
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