1)family cultural atmosphere家庭文化氛围
1.The family cultural atmosphere has the significant influence on child\'s academic achievement.家庭文化氛围对孩子的学业成绩有重大的影响,因此父母要善于营造家庭良好的文化氛围:精心装扮居室,携同孩子一起学习,与孩子在一起玩出学问,端正自己的言行举止。
2)family aura家庭氛围
1.his father was a teacher who helped deaf-mutes learn how to speak.父亲是名教聋哑人如何说话的教师。 贝尔就是在这样的家庭氛围中长大的。
2.Many female visitors bring children, and Wedding said he hopes the dress code will create a more family friendly environment.伟丁说,许多妇女带着孩子来探监,他希望新的着装规定可以营造出更加温馨的家庭氛围。
3.The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable;家庭的融洽氛围是难能可贵的;
4.B: Oh, you come from an artistic family.哦,你来自一个充满艺术氛围的家庭。
5.Trust God, but don't forget to lock the door. The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable.相信上帝,但是别忘了锁门.家庭的融洽氛围是难能可贵的.
6.Some parents worried that gambling might look like a little too much fun in this sanitized, family friendly world. "It's sort of tantalizing to watch them all play.有些父母担心在充满家庭亲情和纯净的氛围下,参赌显得有一点过度纵乐。
7.And even in the City of Light, I was beginning to miss my home and I was feeling lonely and disconnected, longing for the familiar joys of Christmas.第一次远离家庭,我感到寂寞和无助,盼望圣诞节熟悉的快乐氛围快快到来。
8.an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters; the place had an aura of romance.家庭气氛与孩子个性有密切关系。
9.She frequents the atmospheric cafe.她常去那家具有艺术氛围的咖啡馆。
10.demoncratic and equality atmosphere of family connection has been increased but clan idea faded gradually.家庭关系民主平等气氛加强,家族观念日渐淡化。
11.within the confines of family life在家庭生活的范围内.
12.She resolved to impart a gently domestic air to the scene.她决定在当时的场景中加添些家庭气氛。
13.The friendly atmosphere in his family helped him to develop self - confidence at an early age .家庭中的友好气氛助使他很小就养成了自信心。
14.Relationship between Mental Health and Family Environment of Middle School Students.;中学生心理健康状况与其家庭心理气氛的关系
15.Style of Attachment of Children and The Emotional Expressions of Parents;家庭情绪气氛对儿童依恋行为类型的影响
16.By profession he was a writer and he liked the atmosphere to be flawless.身为一个作家,他喜欢这种毫无瑕疵的氛围。
17.A splendid atmosphere or aura, as of glamour, that surrounds a person or thing.气氛,光彩围绕人或东西的气氛或氛围,如魅力
18.Here it is the shift from deadliness to normal family life.现在,一种普通家庭式的生活气氛代替了性命攸关的紧张气息。
family aura家庭氛围
3)cultural atmosphere文化氛围
1.The Period of Longsuo s cultural atmosphere and the poesy change;龙朔时期的文化氛围与诗风新变
2.By analyzing the relationship of psychological quality,culture quality,information literacy and cultural atmosphere with innovative thinking,the paper discusses how to create cultural atmosphere.文章在分析了心理素质、文化素质、信息素质、文化氛围和创新思维间关系的基础上,主要介绍了如何营造文化氛围。
3.This paper has discussed the concept of library culture and library cultural atmosphere.文章探讨了图书馆文化及文化氛围的概念,并以此为基础,从环境文化、建筑文化、家具文化和装饰文化4个方面阐述了高校图书馆文化氛围的营造。
4)Culture atmosphere文化氛围
1.Socialist and harmonious culture construction is a systematic engineering includes many aspects,in which we should pay special attention to three fields,which are harmonious culture atmosphere,harmonious public opinion environment,and harmonious social common practice.其中,形成良好的和谐文化氛围、营造和谐的舆论环境、形成和谐的社会风尚等3个方面需要引起高度重视,应抓好这3个方面的工作,建设好社会主义和谐文化,为建设社会主义和谐社会服务。
2.In the course of building school culture,we should create the environment and have books subtle quality permeate schoolyard;have students grow happily and promote teachers special developing in the culture atmosphere.文化决定德育的成效,在学校文化建设中,要创设文化氛围、用书香浸润师生。
5)various culture atmosphere多文化氛围
6)inspiration mode of"Family Atmosphere""家庭氛围型"激励模式