生活压力事件,life pressure events英语短句,例句大全

发布时间:2024-12-04 07:04

背诵英语口语常用短语和句型 #生活技巧# #学习技巧# #英语口语提升#


生活压力事件,life pressure events
1)life pressure events生活压力事件
1.On the basis of refering to relevant literature,the paper establishes the main structure of the life pressure events of the middle school students from the theoretical level and obtains two preliminary questionnaires.在参考相关文献的基础上,从理论上构建了中学生生活压力事件问卷的大致结构,并形成了原始的调查问卷,对广西少数民族聚集地区的中学生先后进行了两次调查,运用探索性因素分析及项目分析对问卷的题项进行筛选后,正式确定了广西民族地区中学生生活压力事件问卷的题项及其结构;在第二次的调查中,运用分层面因素分析法进行了进一步分析,并检验了该问卷的信度、效度。


1.A Questionnaire of Life Events Change for Middle School Students;中学生生活压力事件问卷的初步编制
2.An Investigation of Life Pressure Events of the Middle School Students in Guangxi Ethnic Areas;广西民族地区中学生生活压力事件调查
3.A Questionnaire about the Life Pressure Events of the Middle School Students in Guangxi Ethnic Areas广西民族地区中学生生活压力事件问卷编制报告
4.The Affection of Life Events and Coping Styles on Left Children s Mental Health;生活压力事件、应对方式对留守儿童心理健康的影响
5.A Research on the Stress Index for Life Events of Undergraduates;大学生日常生活事件压力指数的研究
6.Stress of Middle School Teachers;中学教师的生活事件及工作压力调查
7.Correlation Research of University Girls Depression, Life Events & Pressure Coping;女大学生抑郁与生活事件、压力应付的相关研究
8.The Influence of Stressful Life Events, Personality on the Middle School Students Coping Styles;中学生压力生活事件、人格特点对压力应对的影响
9.Study on Life Events of Gravida and Psychological Press of Pregnant Women and Analysis of Correlative Factors;孕期孕妇生活事件和心理压力及相关因素分析
10.Research on Laid-off Workers’ Pressure Due to Their Couple’s Life Event;基于配偶生活事件的下岗失业人员压力研究
11.Influence of Life Event、Coping Style of Children Affected by AIDS on Learning Stress;生活事件、应对方式对受艾滋病影响儿童学习压力的影响
12.The life events related to interpersonal relation? study pressure and health and adaptation are the powerful predictors for mental health.生活事件中人际关系、学习压力和健康适应是心理健康有力的预测指标;
13.The Relationships among Resiliency, Life Event Stress and Mental Health of College Students;大学生复原力与压力事件、心理健康的关系研究
14.the stresses and strains of modern life现代生活的压力和紧张.
15.situation or incident in real life(现实生活中的)情景,事件
16.But keeping it alive has become a full-time job.但是,保持其生机活力已经成了一件花费全部精力的事情。
17.Stress, however, is a very normal part of life.而事实上,压力是我们生活中非常正常的一个部分。
18.Analysis on correlation between SF-36 scale and LES scale of elder with empty nest in Guiyang;生活事件对空巢老年人生活质量影响


stressful life event压力生活事件
1.The characteristics of adolescents future hopelessness and relationships between it and stressful life events,control beliefs or social supports were explored based on a sample consisting of 607 junior and senior high schools students.以607名初高中阶段青少年为被试,采用量表法收集收据,探讨了青少年未来无望感的基本状况以及所受压力生活事件、控制信念和社会支持的影响。
3)life event生活事件
1.Application of life event analysis method in coal enterprise;生活事件分析法在煤矿企业中的应用
2.Relationship between fatigue conditions,life events and CFS outcomes in 51 cases;51例慢性疲劳综合征患者的转归与其疲劳状态及生活事件的关系
3.Investigation on life events and mental health of middle nurse school students;中等卫校学生生活事件及心理健康状况调查
4)life events生活事件
1.Study on relationship of occupation related life events and job burnout of female nurses in operating room;手术室女护士职业相关生活事件与工作倦怠关系的研究
2.A control study of personality characteristics,life events,negative emotion between patients with acute myocardial infarction and health adults;急性心肌梗塞患者与正常人个性特征生活事件和负性情绪对照研究
3.The influence analysis of family types on the middle school students' life events;家庭类型对中学生生活事件的影响分析
5)event stress压力事件
1.With the help of Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List and Symptom checklist (SCL-90), the relationships among resiliency, life event stress and mental health were explored among students from colleges of arts and colleges of.另外又借助青少年生活事件量表和症状自评量表(SCL-90),以理科和文科两类学校的学生为调查对象,较深入探讨了大学生复原力与压力事件、心理健康的关系。
6)life stress生活压力
1.The Study of Present Situations and Relationship Among the Life Stress, Coping Style and Mental Health of Senior High School Students;高中生生活压力、应对方式及其与心理健康的关系研究
2.Results the coping styles of Chinese middle school students with life stresses were problem-solving,help-seeking,withdrawal,tolerance,fantasy,reasonably catharsis,and negatively resisting in turn.结果当前我国中学生应对生活压力的主要方式依次为问题解决、求助、逃避、忍耐、幻想、合理宣泄及消极反抗;其中,女生比男生更多采用求助和合理宣泄应对,男生比女生更多采用忍耐、幻想和消极反抗应对;重点中学学生比普通中学学生更多采用问题解决,更少采用忍耐和消极反抗应对;不同年级的中学生应对方式有较大不同。
3.The aim of this paper is to investigate the status of life stress of female college students.以自编男女大学生生活压力问卷为研究工具,随机抽取了6所高校822名大学生,其中女大学生434人为被试,调查女大学生的生活压力和心理健康水平的现状,研究结果表明:女大学生中发生率最高的生活压力事件是想家、思念亲人;女大学生的总体主观生活压力与男大学生没有显著差异,在自我身心方面的主观压力显著大于男大学生,九类主观生活压力平均水平都在“较轻”和“中等”之间;女大学生生活压力综合指标排序前十位,主要集中在前途与发展和个人学业这两个方面。




网址:生活压力事件,life pressure events英语短句,例句大全 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/369618


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