绿化景观应与周围环境和谐融合 #生活技巧# #园艺绿化建议# #绿化心理学#
摘要: [目的/意义] 人工智能生成内容(AIGC)正推动着虚实融生趋势下内容创作的范式转化,对数智融合环境中AIGC应用场景和发展机遇的探索有助于促进AI技术的高效赋能和内容生态的价值实现。[研究设计/方法] 着眼于AIGC的发展历程,从内容发展、概念类比和技术发展三个角度系统梳理AIGC的概念内涵。围绕生活场景、服务场景、文娱场景、科技场景和商业场景五大应用场景的自有特征,探析AIGC的交互形态和互动模式。[结论/发现] AIGC的技术基础是数字科技的更新迭代,建构理念是创作空间的扩容增益,但其本质特征还是内容生态的创新发展。整体来看AIGC的发展机遇主要体现在基于群体智能的内容共生、基于数智融合的能力升维和基于增量市场的价值共创三个层面。[创新/价值] 随着底层技术和算法模型的突破性发展,AI催生的内容蓝海正在从辅助协作和降本提效向智能创作和增值创造扩散,为数智逻辑下的内容生态带来了全新的创作思路。
关键词: 数智融合, 人工智能生成内容(AIGC), 应用场景, 内容共生, 价值共创
Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Artificial Intelligence Generated Content(AIGC)is driving a paradigm shift in content creation under the trend of virtual reality integration. Exploring the application scenarios and development opportunities of AIGC in the digital intelligence integration environment will help promote the efficient empowerment of AI technology and the realization of the value of content ecology. [Design/Methodology] Focusing on the development history of AIGC, this paper systematically sorts out the conceptual connotation of AIGC from three perspectives: content development, concept analogy and technology development. Based on the characteristics of five application scenes: life scene, service scene, cultural and entertainment scene, technology scene and business scene,the interaction form and interaction mode of AIGC are explored. [Findings/Conclusion] The technical basis of AIGC is the renewal and iteration of digital technology, and the concept of construction is the expansion and gain of creation space, but its essential feature is the innovation and development of content ecology. On the whole, the development opportunities of AIGC are mainly reflected in three levels: content symbiosis based on group intelligence, capacity enhancement based on digital intelligence integration and value co-creation based on incremental market. [Originality/Value] With the breakthrough development of underlying technology and algorithm model, an enormous amount of content spawned by AI is spreading from assisting collaboration and reducing cost to intelligent creation and value-added creation, bringing new creative ideas to the content ecology under the digital intelligence logic.
Keywords: Integration of digital intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Generated Content(AIGC), Application scenarios, Content symbiosis, Value co-creation
网址:数智融合环境下AIGC的场景化应用与发展机遇 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/378772
中金:智慧家居应用AIGC 家庭娱乐场景先行探索AIGC工具如何在数字营销中提升效率与创新
百花齐放的教育AIGC服务助手,尽在三盟科技智慧教育AIGC App Store!