研究瓷器装饰艺术,理解古代纹饰的文化含义 #生活知识# #生活美学# #传统文化美学解读#
AbstractPersonal Abstract Personal omaments are playing an important role in Paleolithic Archaeology and human civilization.As a convincing hallmark of modem behavior and the emergence of cultures resembling ours,personal ornaments have given US much information about their makers and users.which cannot be given by other artifacts 1ike 1ithic and bone tools.Many archaeologists consider that the use of personal omaments reflects an early emergence of behavioral modemity,modem cognition,and the use of complex communication systems. The research about personal ornaments have attracted considerable attention particularly in the English.speaking world.but in China the in-depth study is still at an early stage.T11iS iS due to the relative shortage of discoveries and lOSS of key collections during the Upper paleolithic.The earliest known personal ornaments in China consist of 141 beads,found at Zhoukoudian Upper Cave,Beijing.Instead of simply recording and emphasizing the size,color,number of the personal ornaments,in China,modem researches fo·CUS on the reconstruction of manufacture processes,such as the experimental archaeology research about the ostrich eggshell beads found at Shuidonggou conducted by Wangchunxue et.a1.But the further inquiry iS necessary into the researching methods and theories. This paper will provides an overview of current evidence on the uncovered personal ornaments and recent progresses of personal ornaments research,and try to summarizes the fruitful exploration in this field of China.At last it will proposes some initial theories and methods about personal ornaments analysis. Key words:beadspersonal ornaments Paleolithic archaeologyChina V 万方数据 目 目录 中文摘要III AbstractⅣ 绪论l 第一章研究背景与考古发现4 第一节研究背景4 第二节考古发现6 一、7万年以前的考古发现7 二、4.5万年以后的考古发现16 第二章研究现状19 第一节制作和使用方法的研究20 第二节功能和作用的研究22 第三节出现原因与意义的研究23 第三章中国所出旧石器时代个人装饰品及研究现状27 第一节我国个人装饰品材料的发现27 一、水洞沟遗址出土个人装饰品材料27 二、山顶洞遗址出土装饰品29 三、小孤山遗址出土装饰品31 四、泥河湾盆地出土装饰品32 五、柿子滩遗址出土个人装饰品38 六
秦小丽 著:《中国古代装饰品研究:新石器时代解密爱美的天性:旧石器时代的装饰品