提高工作满意度有助于减轻生活压力。 #生活乐趣# #生活质量# #生活质量改善# #工作满意度#
QQWeiboFeedback 基于日记法探索工作压力对生活满意度的溢出效应 Alternative TitleSpillover Effect of Job Stress on Life Satisfaction: a Diary Study 王广曦1,2; 李颖1,2; 李永娟1 First Author王广曦 Correspondent Emailliyj@psych.ac.cn Abstract目的:基于挑战型-阻碍型压力源模型与工作要求-资源理论,探索工作压力对生活领域的溢出效应机制及心理脱离的调节作用。方法:通过对55名白领职员连续5天的线上日记调查获得226个有效数据点(occasions)。结果:多层线性模型分析发现,挑战型压力源通过提高活力水平对生活满意度产生积极溢出效应,阻碍型压力源通过削弱活力水平对生活满意度产生消极溢出效应;尽管两类压力源都会显著增加情绪耗竭水平,但是情绪耗竭对生活满意度没有显著消极溢出效应。心理脱离水平可以增强活力对生活满意度的溢出效应。
;Objective: Based on the Challenge-Hindrance stressors Model and Job Demand-Resource theory, the current study aimed to explore spillover effect of job stressors on life satisfaction, as well as the possible moderating role of psychological detachment. Methods: A total of 55 white-collar employees were recruited to participate in a 5 consecutive days' online daily survey, and 226 valid occasions were collected. Results: Hierarchical linear model analysis showed that challenge stressors had a positive spillover effect on life satisfaction via vigor, whereas hindrance stressors had a negative spillover effect on life satisfaction via vigor; Notwithstanding two categories of stressors both significantly increased exhaustion, the spillover effect of exhaustion on life satisfaction was not significant. In addition, psychological detachment can boost the spillover effects of vigor on life satisfaction.
Keyword挑战型-阻碍型压力源 活力 情绪耗竭 心理脱离 生活满意度 Subject Area社会心理学 2016 Language中文 Source Publication中国临床心理学杂志 ISSN1005-3611 Volume24Issue:4Pages:689-694Subtype期刊论文 Indexed ByCSCD CSCD IDCSCD:5775577 Funding Organization国家自然科学基金(71371179)资助 Citation statisticsCited Times:2[CSCD] [CSCD Record]
Document Type期刊论文 Identifierhttp://ir.psych.ac.cn/handle/311026/21047 Collection社会与工程心理学研究室Corresponding Author李永娟Affiliation1.中国科学院心理研究所
First Author AffilicationInstitute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Corresponding Author AffilicationInstitute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714 王广曦,李颖,李永娟. 基于日记法探索工作压力对生活满意度的溢出效应[J]. 中国临床心理学杂志,2016,24(4):689-694. APA 王广曦,李颖,&李永娟.(2016).基于日记法探索工作压力对生活满意度的溢出效应.中国临床心理学杂志,24(4),689-694. MLA 王广曦,et al."基于日记法探索工作压力对生活满意度的溢出效应".中国临床心理学杂志 24.4(2016):689-694. Files in This Item: File Name/Size DocType Version Access License 基于日记法探索工作压力对生活满意度的溢出(1135KB)期刊论文作者原稿限制开放CC BY-NC-SAApplication Full Text Related ServicesRecommend this itemBookmarkUsage statisticsExport to EndnoteGoogle ScholarSimilar articles in Google Scholar[王广曦]'s Articles[李颖]'s Articles[李永娟]'s ArticlesBaidu academicSimilar articles in Baidu academic[王广曦]'s Articles[李颖]'s Articles[李永娟]'s ArticlesBing ScholarSimilar articles in Bing Scholar[王广曦]'s Articles[李颖]'s Articles[李永娟]'s ArticlesTerms of UseNo data!Social Bookmark/Share
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