
发布时间:2024-12-08 00:02

合理分配肉类和素食比例,保持膳食平衡。 #生活技巧# #节省生活成本# #生活成本# #健康饮食计划#


目的  利用膳食平衡指数评价孕期女性的整体膳食质量,并分析其相关因素。

方法  于2020年11月 — 2021年4月,根据自愿原则,在北京和山东高密妇幼保健机构纳入346名孕24~30周孕妇作为研究对象,采用连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾法进行膳食调查,并利用孕期膳食平衡指数(DBI-P)评价整体膳食质量,自拟调查问卷收集研究对象的社会人口学特征、孕期营养教育等情况。

结果  研究对象膳食正端分[M(P25 ~ P75)]为0(0~2.00),摄入过量占比为11 %;负端分为 – 22.00( – 27.00~ – 15.00),摄入不足的比例为85.8 %;膳食质量距为23.00(17.75~28.00),膳食平衡的比例为21.7 %。谷薯类食物摄入量为[M(P25~P75)]为242.73 g(186.29~300.95),蔬菜类为330.68 g(191.69~498.83),水果类为23.38 g(0~129.00),奶类为104.09 g(50.98~234.48),大豆及坚果为16.33 g(0~54.52),畜禽肉类是106.41 g(61.75~168.94),鱼虾类23.64 g(0~59.37),蛋类18.84 g(0~56.24)。女性受教育程度、家庭人均收入水平与膳食质量分布表现出差异性,受教育程度、人均收入水平越高,膳食质量分布越好(与负端分、膳食质量距的χ2检验结果均P < 0.05);计划怀孕女性膳食质量要优于非计划怀孕(与负端分和膳食质量距的χ2检验结果为P < 0.05);社区食物环境也是影响膳食质量的重要因素,食物环境越好,其膳食质量分布越好(与负端分和膳食质量距的χ2检验结果为P < 0.05);孕妇的营养素养对其膳食质量有正向影响,营养素养得分高的女性膳食均衡性更好(与膳食质量距的χ2检验结果为P < 0.05)。但正端分得分情况未与任何因素存在关系。

结论  孕期女性的膳食质量存在较明显的不平衡情况,女性受教育程度、家庭人均收入水平及社区食物环境是影响膳食质量的主要因素,优化社区食物环境,提高适龄女性对备孕的认识及提高营养素养,是提高其膳食质量的重要措施。


Objective  To assess diet quality of pregnant women using dietary balance index and analyze related factors of die quality.

Methods   Totally 400 healthy pregnant women (24 – 30 weeks of gestation) were recruited at maternal and child health institutions in two districts of Beijing and a prefecture of Shandong province for a voluntary survey from November 2020 to April 2021. Information on dietary intake and related factors were collected by interviews with 3-day 24-hour food frequency recall instrument and a self-designed questionnaire. Diet quality was evaluated using Chinese Diet Balance Index-Pregnancy (DBI-P).

Results  Valid data from 346 of the women were finally included in the analysis. The median of higher bound score (HBS) (25th percentile [P25], 75th percentile [P75]) was 2.00 (0.00, 2.00) and the proportion of the women assessed as having excessive food intake was 11.00%; the median of lower bound score (LBS) was – 22.00 (– 27.00, – 15.00) and the proportion of insufficient intake was 85.80%; the median of diet quality distance (DQD) was 23.00 (17.75 – 28.00) and the proportion of dietary balance was 21.7%. For all the women, the median (P25, P75) was 242.73 (186.29, 300.95) g for the intake of cereal and potato food, 330.68 (191.69, 498.83) g for vegetables, 23.38 (0 , 129.00) g for fruits, 104.09 (50.98, 234.48) g for milk, 16.33 (0, 54.52) g for soybeans and nuts, 106.41 (61.75, 168.94) g for livestock and poultry meat, 23.64 (0, 59.37) g for fish and shrimp, and 18.84 (0 – 56.24) g for eggs, respectively. The women′s dietary quality differed significantly by education, household income per capita, community food environment, and nutrition literacy. The women with higher education, household income per capita, planned pregnancy, and better community food environment had significantly lower LBS and DQD scores (P < 0.05 for all) ; the women with higher nutrition literacy had significantly lower DQD score (P < 0.05); but the women′s HBS′s score was not significantly related to all of the above factors.

Conclusion  For second/third trimester pregnant women in two regions of China, the dietary quality is obviously unbalanced and influenced mainly by education, household income per capita, and community environment. Targeted measures need to be promoted to improve dietary condition of the women.

表  1   孕期膳食平衡指数(DBI- P)构成及其赋值方法

条目及其取值范围孕中期孕晚期 C1-谷薯类( – 12~12) 0 g = – 12;275~325 g = 0;> 600 g = 12;摄入量每增减25 g 则取值 ± 1 < 25 g = – 12; 300~350 g = 0; > 625 g = 12;
摄入量每增减25 g 则取值 ± 1 C2-蔬菜水果类( – 12~0) 蔬菜( – 6~0) ≥ 400 g = 0;320~399 g = – 1;摄入量每减少80 g 则取值 – 1;0 g = – 6 与孕中期标准一致 水果( – 6~0) ≥ 300 g = 0;240~299 g = – 1;摄入量每减少60 g 则取值 – 1;0 g = – 6 与孕中期标准一致 C3-奶、大豆及坚果类( − 12~0) 奶类( – 6~0) ≥ 500 g = 0 a ;320~499 g = – 1;摄入量每减少60 g 则取值 – 1;0 g = – 6 与孕中期标准一致 大豆及坚果( – 6~0) ≥ 30 g = 0;摄入量每减少6 g 则取值 – 1;0 g = – 6 与孕中期标准一致 C4-动物性食物( − 12~8) 畜禽肉类( – 4~4) 0 g = – 4;1~17 g = – 3;18~33 g = – 2; 34~49 g = – ;50~75 g = 0;
76~90 g = 1;91~105 g = 2;106~120 g = 3;> 120 g = 4 0 g = – 4; 1~24 g = – 3; 25~49 g = – 2;
50~74 g = – 1; 75~100 g = 0;
101~120 g = 1;121~141 g = 2;
141~160 g = 3;> 160 g = 4 鱼虾类( – 4~0) < 5g = – 4;5~19 g = – 3;20~34 g = – 2;35~49 g = – 1;≥ 50 g = 0 < 15 g = – 4; 15~34 g = – 3;
5~54 g = – 2; 55~74 g = – 1;≥ 75 g = 0 蛋类( – 4~4) 0 g = – 4;1~15 g = – 3;16~30 g = – 2;31~45 g = – 1;46~55 g = 0;
56~70 g = 1;71~85 g = 2;86~100 g = 3;> 100 g = 4 与孕中期标准一致 C5-食物多样性( − 12~0) ≥ 12种食物:米及其制品、面及其制品、粗粮及薯类、深色蔬菜、浅色蔬菜、水果、大豆、奶类、畜肉、禽肉、蛋类、鱼虾类。食物最低摄入量除大豆为5 g外,其他均为25 g,每减少一种食物则取值 – 1。 与孕中期标准一致   注:a 根据《中国居民膳食指南(2016版)》[13]规定,孕中晚期推荐增加摄入200 g奶制品,因此本研究将奶制品评价标准调整为 ≥ 500 g 记作 0 分。

表  2   研究对象食物组摄入得分分布

分值谷薯类蔬菜水果奶类大豆坚果类畜禽肉类鱼虾类蛋类 人数%人数%人数%人数%人数%人数%人数%人数% – 7 16 4.60 – 6 21 6.10 1 0.30 92 26.60 19 5.50 91 26.30 – 5 32 9.20 16 4.60 123 35.50 117 33.80 31 9.00 – 4 34 9.80 40 11.60 40 11.60 84 24.30 36 10.40 7 2.00 134 38.70 101 29.20 – 3 42 12.10 59 17.10 33 9.50 41 11.80 21 6.10 12 4.50 38 11.00 63 18.20 – 2 39 11.30 51 14.70 23 6.60 20 5.80 14 4.00 22 6.40 47 13.60 30 8.70 – 1 42 12.10 44 12.70 15 4.30 27 7.80 12 3.50 29 8.40 32 9.20 36 10.40 0 43 12.40 135 39.00 20 5.80 38 11.00 141 40.80 35 10.10 95 27.50 25 7.20 1 20 5.80 29 8.40 34 9.80 2 17 4.90 25 7.20 24 6.90 3 4 1.20 31 9.00 10 2.90 4 7 2.00 156 45.10 23 6.60

表  3   孕期整体膳食质量分布

评价指标适宜与较适宜轻度中度重度 人数%人数%人数%人数% 摄入过量 HBS 308 89.00 28 8.10 7 2.00 3 0.90 摄入不足 LBS 49 14.20 170 49.10 121 35.00 6 1.70 膳食平衡 DQD 75 21.70 238 68.80 33 9.50 0 0.00

表  4   人口学特征、妊娠情况与孕期膳食质量的分布

项目HBSLBSDQD适宜过量适宜不足适宜失衡人数%人数%人数%人数%人数%人数% 年龄(岁) 19~25 36 90.00 4 10.00 4 10.00 36 90.00 6 15.00 34 85.00 26~30 99 87.61 14 12.39 15 13.28 98 86.72 22 19.47 91 80.53 31~ 127 89.44 15 10.56 29 20.42 113 79.58 40 28.17 102 71.83 χ2 值 1.383 a 3.696 a 4.376 P 值 0.501 0.158 0.112受教育程度 高中及以下 77 92.77 6 7.23 5 6.02 78 93.98 6 7.23 77 92.77 大专 69 87.34 10 12.66 8 10.13 71 89.87 16 20.25 63 79.75 本科及以上 116 87.22 17 12.78 35 26.32 98 73.68 46 34.59 87 65.41 χ2 值 1.821 18.436 22.041 P 值 0.402 0.000 0.000 职业 管理及技术人员 70 85.37 12 14.63 17 20.73 65 79.27 23 28.05 59 71.95 企事业单位职工 84 90.32 9 9.68 16 17.20 77 82.80 24 25.81 69 74.19 家庭主妇 108 90.00 12 10.00 15 12.50 105 87.50 21 17.50 99 82.50 χ2 值 2.510 1.364 3.637 P 值 0.285 0.506 0.162 家庭人均月收入水平(元) ≤ 3 000 91 92.86 7 7.14 6 6.12 92 93.88 12 12.24 86 87.76 3 001~6 000 86 89.58 10 10.42 10 10.42 86 89.58 20 20.83 76 79.17 ≥ 6 001 85 84.16 16 15.84 32 31.68 69 68.32 36 35.64 65 64.36 χ2 值 3.873 27.434 15.747 P 值 0.144 0.000 0.000 食物支出占比 < 30 % 90 86.54 14 13.46 26 25.00 78 75.00 33 31.73 71 68.27 30 %~40 % 121 90.30 13 9.70 14 10.45 120 89.55 26 19.40 108 80.60 > 40 % 51 89.47 6 10.53 8 14.04 49 85.96 9 15.79 48 84.21 χ2 值 0.864 9.361 7.117 P 值 0.649 0.009 0.028 首次妊娠 是 147 86.47 23 13.53 34 20.00 136 80.00 45 26.47 125 73.53 否 115 92.00 10 8.00 14 11.20 111 88.80 23 18.40 102 81.60 χ2 值 2.217 4.095 2.645 P 值 0.137 0.043 0.104 计划怀孕 是 127 88.81 16 11.19 33 23.08 110 76.92 48 33.57 95 66.43 否 135 88.82 17 11.18 15 9.87 137 90.13 20 13.16 132 88.84 χ2 值 0.000 9.436 17.302 P 值 0.999 0.002 0.000   注:a 单元格有1个 < 5,取Fisher精确检验结果。

表  5   营养教育和社区食物环境与孕妇膳食质量分布情况

项目HBSLBSDQD适宜过量适宜不足适宜失衡人数%人数%人数%人数%人数%人数% 孕妇营养素养得分0~4 93 89.42 11 10.58 12 11.54 92 88.46 15 14.42 89 85.58 5~8 169 88.48 22 11.52 36 18.84 155 81.15 53 27.75 138 72.25 χ2 值 0.060 2.641 6.741 P 值 0.806 0.104 0.009 孕妇接受营养教育 是 156 90.17 17 9.83 32 18.50 141 81.50 45 26.01 128 73.99 否 106 86.89 16 13.11 16 13.11 106 86.89 23 18.85 99 81.15 χ2 值 4.723 1.521 2.067 P 值 0.030 0.217 0.150 家庭成员(包括丈夫)接受营养教育 是 68 91.89 6 8.11 13 17.57 61 82.43 19 25.68 55 74.32 否 193 87.73 27 12.27 35 15.91 185 84.09 49 22.27 171 77.73 χ2 值 0.964 0.111 3.817 P 值 0.326 0.738 0.051 社区食物环境得分 0~4 118 86.76 18 13.24 18 11.32 141 88.68 29 18.24 130 81.76 5~8 144 90.57 15 9.43 30 22.06 106 77.94 39 28.68 97 71.32 χ2 值 1.066 6.204 4.502 P 值 0.302 0.013 0.034 [1]

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网址:孕期膳食平衡指数评价及其相关因素分析 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/407518


