书架设计可参考书籍排列习惯 #生活技巧# #收纳整理技巧# #书架布置技巧#
f 时尚书架系列设计 摘 要 人在与产品的情感交流中,要想增强他们对产品的拥有欲望,一定要在实用的同时注意外形的创新,而家具作为居家过日子的实用产品同时也应体现增添生活情趣的功能,因而人性化在家具设计中是十分必要和重要的因素。本文着重分析了人性化、个性化在书架设计中的表现手法和方式,在结构、材质、色彩等要素中的体现,并阐述了一定的使用原则和程序方法。就书架现有市场进行了详细调研,书架作为蕴涵设计师审美理念的载体,当自身价值真正得到体现时,将使我们的生活更加多姿多彩。人性化、个性化设计作为一种符合逻辑的强大的设计语言和创意途径,会在未来书架设计领域中得到更广泛的应用。 关键词:家具 书架 时尚 艺术 多功能 Maya in the use of film and television animation Abstract: Three-dimensional computer graphics animation and art is aproduct of the combination, His unique style of art forms and romantic to the peoples material and spiritual life has brought immense joy, imagination and sustenance, and thus increasing the communitys preference for and it provides a full display of this the individual imagination and artistic talent of the new world.Whether the production of film and television special effects or digital video is by the use of computer software professionals, but todays mainstream software - Maya, it is in this area almost a monopolistic position. Maya - 3D software as the latest video production tools is a means to promote the production of animation and art in the language have had a revolutionary change, which eventually led to animated images of the innovative artistic charm. Finally based on my personal short animation in Maya practice, to introduce MAYA realize how the use of film and television animation. Key words: Three-dimensional animation Model Television Animation animation editing superiority 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146990 第 1 章 前言1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146992 1.1 设计背景及方向2 1. 2 设计思路3 1. 3 设计意图 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146992 5 1. 4 同类产品参照分析6 第 2 章 调研分析7 2. 1 个性化、人性化书架的市场调研 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146992 8 2. 2 书架的设计案例及分析 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146993 10 2. 3 材料工艺分析 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146994 11 2. 4 家具市场现状调查与分析 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146995 12 2. 5 调研总结 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146995 13 第 3 章 方案绘制与设计提案 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146996 14 3. 1 设计定位 HYPERLINK \l _Toc200146992 15 3. 2 设计系列
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