
发布时间:2024-12-15 06:05

胃癌晚期患者可能会出现贫血,补充铁质和维生素B12有助于改善。 #生活知识# #科技生活# #健康生活技巧# #胃癌#


健脾扶正化浊法改善中晚期胃癌患者生活质量的研究   [摘要] 目的 观察健脾扶正化浊法治疗对中晚期胃癌患者的生活质量的影响。 方法 方便选取60例南京市江宁区中医医院肿瘤内科于2016年10月―2017年10月收治的中晚期胃癌辨证为脾胃虚弱型患者,随机分为低、中、高剂量组及对照组,每组15例。对照组采用SOX化疗方案,低、中、高剂量组在对照组治疗的基础上给予健脾扶正化浊法为主的中药复方制剂。比较各组的临床疗效及生活质量。结果 低剂量、中剂量、高剂量组的中医证候疗效分别为80.0%、93.3%、86.7%均优于对照组的26.7%(χ2=22.09,P0.05;F=0.472,P0.05)。结论 健脾扶正化浊法为主的中药复方制剂能改善中晚期患者的中医症候及生活质量。其剂量与生活质量关系不大。   [关键词] 健脾扶正化浊法;中晚期胃癌;生活质量   [中图分类号] R735 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)01(b)-0166-03   [Abstract] Objective To observe the effect of jianpi fuzheng huazhuo method in improving the quality of life of patients with gastric cancer in middle and advanced stages. Methods 60 cases of patients with gastric cancer in middle and advanced stages admitted and treated in our hospital from October 2016 to October 2017 were convenient selected and divided into low, middle and high dose groups and control group with 15 cases in each, the control group adopted the SOX chemotherapy play, while the low, middle and high-dose group were treated with TCM preparations based on jianpi fuzheng huazhuo method on the basis of the control group, and the clinical curative effect and quality of life were compared between groups. Results The TCM syndrome curative effect in the low-dose, middle-dose and high-dose groups were better than that in the control group(80.0%, 93.3%, 86.7% vs 26.7%)(χ2=22.09,P0.05;F=0.472,P0.05),without statistical significance. Conclusion TCM preparations based on jianpi fuzheng huazhuo method can improve the TCM syndrome and quality of life of patients with gastric cancer in middle and advanced stages, and the dose is not closely related to the quality of life.   [Key words] Jianpi fuzheng huazhuo method; Gastric cancer in the middle and advanced stages; Quality of life   近年来,肿瘤呈高发趋势,平均每天能新增12 000人新换癌症,7 500人死于癌症,而胃癌随着社会条件、生活方式、营养、教育和医疗等方面的逐步改善,总体呈下降趋势,但是由于老龄化人群庞大,仍成为我国一个重大的负担。目前早期胃癌,手术是唯一有效的治疗,对于进展期胃癌,特别是中晚期胃癌,仍以化疗为主流方式,但其病情复杂,预后不佳,给临床带来较大的困难,故采用何种方法提高中晚期胃癌患者的生活质量是目前医学的热点。该院从2016年10月―2017年10月采集临床中晚期胃癌患者共60例,采用健脾扶正化浊

网址:健脾扶正化浊法改善中晚期胃癌患者生活质量研究.doc https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/478831


防癌体质可以“养”出来 中医推荐“四时”养生法
临床研究证明, 针灸可以有效减轻癌症患者疼痛, 提高大幅生活质量
