城市更新规划是为了改造老旧城区,提升城市功能和居住环境 #生活知识# #社会生活# #城市规划#
北京化工大学硕士学位论文 R-ESEARCH oN THE ELDEIULY LIVABLE ENVIRoNMENT IN THE oLD DEMOLITION CoMMUNITY DURING URBAN RENEWAI—A CASE STUDY OF L CITY IN ZHEJlANG PROVINCE ABSTRACT Wim the rapid development of urbanization and increasing aging population,livable living environment of the elderly has been paid great attention by the society.How to build a high quality living environment and to meet the living needs of the elderly are what we should concern.From the early 1 990s,calling for national policy,Zhej iang Province began with urban transformation process.Meanwhile,on the other hand,the government pursuit of speed and ignored the quality,on the other hang the govemment is lack of a long.term renovation work plan,resulting in a lot of problems in the transformation of the urban environment.Witll the rapid increasing of aging population,Making livable living environment of the elderly become more important. In this paper,The author choose the five old demolished community in L city in zhejiang Province as sample and make questionnaire and interview survey,getting a comprehensive understanding of the basic skuation and 万方数据 ABSTRACT living conditions of elderly residents.The interview results showed that there are some problems in transportation,activity space,quality of housing, community care services,neighborhood interactions and social participation for elderly residents.The main reason is that:First,the lack of attention to the older age groups and lack of institutional presence;Second,the lack of community service and infrastructure;Thirdly,the elderly population is lack of participation and communication.These have led to the demolition the old demolition community unfit elderly housing demand. So some measures must be taken:First,the Government should strengthen the focus on older age groups and improve relevant policies as soon as possible;Second,improve the supporting infrastructure and carryout the implementation of community care services;Third,Take Measures to i
网址:旧城改造入过程中老旧拆迁社区老年人宜居环境研究——以浙江l市为例.docx https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/485413
老旧小区"旧貌换新颜" “三改一拆”改出宜人宜居的美丽家园城市更新背景下老旧社区改造中居住环境质量提升的设计方法研究