发布时间:2024-12-16 15:56
你知道吗?在英语里,‘吃香蕉’怎么说?'Banana eat',因为是从尾部开始剥的。 #生活乐趣# #日常生活趣事# #日常生活笑话# #生活笑料库#
2. 墙上仅有的装饰品就是一些蜡烛和一面镜子。The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3. 我们布置好了装饰品和圣诞树,这才开始感受到圣诞节的气氛。We put up the decorations and the tree and started to feel Christmassy at last.《牛津词典》
4. 艺术并不只是关乎美或单纯的装饰品。Art is not all about beauty or simple decoration.来自互联网
5. 几乎所有的房间里都有奇怪的家具和奇怪的装饰品。There were curious pieces of furniture and curious ornaments in nearly all of them.来自互联网
6. 一个漂亮的香囊不仅是装饰品,还含有丰富的文化和历史内涵。A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament, but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness.来自互联网
7. 我亲爱的小姐,我可以看出,你既有用途,又可以当作装饰品。I see well that you are both for use and ornament, my dear young lady.来自互联网
8. 在圣诞节假期,我们探索了这座城市,欣赏了他们挂上去的装饰品。We spent the Christmas holidays exploring the city and seeing the decorations that they have put up.来自互联网
9. 在圣诞节假期,我们探索了这座城市,并看到了他们挂上去的装饰品。We spent the Christmas holidays exploring this city and seeing the decorations that they have put up.来自互联网
10. 当我们提起圣诞节,我们往往会想到装饰品、闪亮的灯饰、瑞雪、礼物和圣诞树。When we speak of Christmas, we tend to think of decorations, shiny lights, snow, presents, and Christmas trees.来自互联网
11. 使用3D打印机,厨师可以在婚礼蛋糕上打印出复杂的巧克力雕塑和漂亮的装饰品。With a 3D printer, a cook can print complicated chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake.来自互联网
12. 那里有各种各样的东西,和世界上任何地方都不一样,有些看起来很精致,像装饰品一样。There's such variety there, like nothing anywhere else in the world, some of them are elaborate looking, like decorations.来自互联网
13. 白金汉宫的华丽特点将蛋糕上反映,但大部分的装饰品都将是花卉,而且每件都蕴含一定的意义。The ornate features of Buckingham Palace will be reflected on the cake, but most of the decorations will be floral, and each has a meaning.来自互联网
14. 它修建了一个有屋顶的凉亭,配有苔藓地板和从周围的森林里收集的装饰品——包括水果、浆果和橡子。It builds a roofed bower, complete with moss flooring, and ornaments from the surrounding forests—including fruits, berries, and acorns.来自互联网
15. 2003年被遗弃在基地里的其他物资中包括圣诞装饰品,船员们把它们挂在了他们营地里的一棵小树上。Other supplies at the base, which was abandoned in 2003, included Christmas ornaments, and the crew members put them up on a small tree inside their quarters.来自互联网
16. 这些结果应该使公众相信,在不断困扰着公立学校的预算危机中,音乐课并不是单纯的装饰品,并不是可以抛弃的。These results should convince public that music classes are not a mere decoration, ripe for discarding in the budget crises that constantly trouble public schools.来自互联网
17. 你可能知道什么是移动电话,但我说的移动电话是一个挂在天花板上的精致的装饰品,随着每一次呼吸轻轻地移动。You probably know what a mobile is, but the mobile I'm talking about is a delicate object of decoration hanging from the ceiling and moving gently with every breath.来自互联网
18. 在二十世纪的人看来,中国的陶器可能只是装饰品,但对中国人来说,每件物品的形状和装饰都有意义,都很重要。To twentieth-century eyes, Chinese pottery may appear merely decorative, yet to the Chinese the form of each object and its adornment had meaning and significance.来自互联网
19. 小装饰品摆满了三个展示柜,占据了整个桌面。Knickknacks filled three display cases and covered all the table tops.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
20. 这些房子都比较朴素,只是因为建造它们的人买不起太多昂贵的装饰品。These were modest dwellings, the people who built them simply couldn't afford lots of expensive decorative details.来自互联网
21. 老式玻璃风灯,如今成了怀旧的装饰品。The old hand-held storm lantern has become a decoration which reminds one of old times.来自互联网
22. 这些可以制作漂亮的圣诞树装饰品,窗饰和餐桌装饰。These make beautiful tree ornaments, window hangings and table decorations.来自互联网
23. 现在很多装饰品都能在市场上找到。These days a wide range of decorative are available in the market.来自互联网
24. 精神病人认为水泥是装饰品的基本成分.The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.来自互联网
25. 汤姆葬礼上的装饰品很美。The decorations at Tom's funeral were beautiful.来自互联网
26. 我爸爸尤其擅长做些手工上色的小装饰品。My dad was specially adroit at making small hand-painted ornaments.来自互联网
27. 他们买了许多装饰品并把它们挂在圣诞树上。They bought a lot of ornaments and hung them on the Christmas tree.来自互联网
28. 他们买了许多装饰品并把它们挂在圣诞树上。They bought a lot of ornaments and hung them on the Christmas tree.来自互联网
网址:装饰品用英语怎么说 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/489672
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