垃圾分类神器:分隔式设计,让垃圾分类更简单。 #生活技巧# #清洁技巧# #懒人清洁神器#
- PAGE IV - PAGE II - - 水面垃圾清理机器人设计 摘 要 随着我国社会主义经济的不断飞速发展,人们财产生活水平有了质的巨大飞跃,尤其特别是工业革命以来,人们在经济发展前期过于过度重视社会工业及国民经济而逐渐忽略了对自然环境的合理保护,使得近年来由于世界自然环境日益恶劣,带来的各样各种环境污染问题,海洋、湖泊、河流中随处可见的卫生垃圾受到污染。同时,环境的破坏也逐渐影响到市民的饮水,因此,发展机械化的清理水面垃圾装置也变得愈发重要。 为大大减小我国海上打捞机械船和打捞垃圾船的船体运动量和阻力,船体框架结构一般采用左右各有方向轴的双体箱梁框架结构,船以机械动力轮和蓄电池驱动齿轮进行供电,分别采用齿轮供电驱动直流柴油电机增压发动机和马达,马达驱动海上打捞垃圾船的整个船体进行前进与前后左右转向,电动机通过分别齿轮驱动减速器的前后转动将其减速后,分别齿轮驱动通过带的传送带和锥齿式传动链轮马达将其驱动前后转向完成打捞垃圾船的船体传送链和海上打捞船的过渡链轮,打捞垃圾船用带的传送链把海上打捞船的垃圾从我国海上送至水面直接地输运到船上打捞垃圾箱和船上储存仓,如果船上打捞垃圾箱和船上储存仓中的货物全部装满了后,可以直接用传送带或人工将其全部货物倒入海上打捞用的船体中,而海上打捞船的过渡链轮则主要是通过带的传送带和链传动马达驱动传送带和带上锥齿轮的前后转向作为主动轴,动力系统则是通过传送带和带的锥齿轮马达驱动转向减速器直接将其驱动送到船上处理收集打捞垃圾箱的装置,从而可以顺利完成我国海上打捞垃圾的处理收集以及打捞。水面船用固体废物垃圾清运收集站及清理应用运输船舶的船体内部结构设计合理,运行运输方式安全机动灵活,操作简单可靠,使用垃圾区域涉及范围广,制作运输过程短和成本低,有着很大的海内国际垃圾清运处理行业的市场前景以及广泛可推进应用的经济价值。 关键词 船体;收集装置;打捞装置; Design Of Garbage Cleaning Robot On Water Abstract With the rapid development of social economy, people#039;s life has made a qualitative leap. Especially since the industrial revolution, people have paid too much attention to industry and economy in the early stage of development and neglected to protect the environment, which has made World Environment Day worse in recent years, brought about various environmental problems, the sea, lakes, rivers everywhere garbage pollution. At the same time, the destruction of the environment has gradually affected the drinking water of the citizens. Therefore, the development of mechanized water surface garbage removal equipment has become increasingly important. In order to reduce the resistance of the mechanical ship, the ship adopts a left and right Catamaran structure. The ship is powered by a battery, which drives the DC motor and the motor respectively. The motor drives the ship#039;s forward and steering. After the motor decelerates through the reducer, the conveyor chain is driven by a belt to haul the trash from the water surface to the garbage bin, and if the garbage bin is full, it can be manually dumped into the hull, t
网址:水面垃圾清理机器人设计.docx https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/506197
毕设分享 单片机智能垃圾桶设计
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