Brand, branding, reputation etc. have been few frequently talked about terms in the corporate world. With an ever increasing competition in the niche industry recently, more and more companies have started taking serious efforts in creating their unique identity. So, what exactly does a “Brand” refer to ? There are basically varies definitions to it, which changes from individual-to-individual. Many interpret a brand to be the one that is in their minds based on their past experiences.
品牌,品牌,声誉等在企业界很少被谈论。 近年来,随着利基行业的竞争日益激烈,越来越多的公司开始认真努力以建立自己的独特身份。 那么,“品牌”到底指的是什么? 基本上有各种不同的定义,这些定义因人而异。 根据过去的经验,许多人认为品牌是他们心目中的品牌。
Ask yourself, whether others consider your company brand in a positive or a negative sense. Just you, being and owner and founder of the company, should be in a better position to answer this. Incase, you happen to be one of the individuals who is taking a lot of efforts on branding your company, then the following tips should help you analyze the aspects that might have been left out unnoticed.
问问自己,其他人是从正面还是负面的角度看待您的公司品牌。 作为公司的所有者和创始人的只有您才应该有更好的位置来回答这一问题。 如果您恰好是为公司品牌化付出很多努力的个人之一,那么以下技巧应该可以帮助您分析那些可能未被注意的方面。
The brand that you are trying to promote, should be such that it satisfies the market/consumer requirements. When one the popular book store launched their store online, their users went looking for it instantly. In the past it was and even today has been one of the most popular brands on the web. Since its launch, there have been a lot of changes that the company went through, despite that, there wasn’t any change in their brands reputation.If you intend to keep your brand on top of the reputation chart for upcoming years, it is important that you ask yourself the question “Is your Brand satisfying the consumer requirements ? ”
您要推广的品牌应该满足市场/消费者的要求。 当一家受欢迎的书店在网上开设商店时,他们的用户便立即寻找它。 在过去,直到今天,它一直是网络上最受欢迎的品牌之一。 自成立以来,公司经历了很多变化,尽管如此,他们的品牌声誉没有任何变化。如果您打算在未来几年中将品牌保持在声誉图表的首位,那就是重要的是您要问自己一个问题:“ 您的品牌是否满足消费者要求? ”
Know the reasons about your brands existence. Every company during its phase pf establishment, usually has a Motto and a Vision, which they use as a suffix to the company name. It might be a small tagline or a sentence, one must make sure that your target consumers understands and purchase through your vision. Most marketing professionals reading this article would be aware of the concept called “Reasons to Believe.” Your brand itself should answer the questions such as, Why must your brand exist anyways?, Why must consumers believe in your brand and expect that you would offer what you have claimed ?
了解您的品牌存在的原因。 每个公司在成立pf时,通常都会有一个座右铭和一个Vision,它们用作公司名称的后缀。 它可能只是一句标语或一句话,必须确保目标消费者能够通过您的愿景理解并购买。 阅读这篇文章的大多数营销专业人士都会意识到“ 相信的理由 ”这一概念。 ”您的品牌本身应回答以下问题:“ 为什么您的品牌仍然必须存在?”, 为什么消费者必须相信您的品牌并期望您提供您所声称的产品?
Considering your niche. There aren’t any grey areas in Branding. If you wish that your brand should be chosen by consumers instead of the already popular brands in your niche market, it is necessary that you make it a point that you deliver what you market yourself to be, without compromising on any aspects such as quality, affordability and uniqueness. Most of the very reputable brands in the UK today have delivered all these aspects very well, hence making them one of the Iconic brands.
考虑你的利基。 品牌推广中没有灰色区域 。 如果您希望您的品牌应该被消费者选择,而不是在利基市场中已经很流行的品牌,那么有必要在不影响质量,质量,负担能力和独特性。 如今,英国大多数信誉卓著的品牌在所有这些方面都表现出色,因此成为标志性品牌之一。
Laying a strategy by consulting a Press Release and Branding Professional. The professionals in this niche can help you define the strategy and the ways of managing your brand more effectively. It would hardly matter whether you have a pre-established company or a new venture which is awaiting its launch, consulting a professional with a good reputation can help you take your brand multiple steps up the ladder.
通过咨询新闻稿和品牌推广专家来制定策略。 这个利基市场的专业人士可以帮助您定义策略和更有效地管理品牌的方式。 无论您是一家老牌公司还是一家正在等待成立的新公司,都没关系,咨询具有良好声誉的专业人士可以帮助您将自己的品牌迈上新台阶。
Aligning your brand with your vision. In case you intend individuals to crave for, purchase and condescend your brand, a strategy that can prove very effective is to partner yourself/brand with a popular public identity (popular person). Being linked with an already popular personality, individuals would be better able to relate your brand and would stay fresh somewhere in the back of the mind. That’s it !!
使您的品牌与您的愿景保持一致。 如果您打算让个人渴望,购买和贬低您的品牌,可以证明非常有效的策略是使您自己/品牌与流行的公共身份(受欢迎的人)合作。 与已经很受欢迎的个性联系在一起,个人将能够更好地与您的品牌建立联系,并在思想的背后保持新鲜感。 而已 !!
Employees of your company should be your strongest supporters. Individuals working with you should strongly believe in you and your brand. Your employees are your most crucial assets, a positive word-of-mouth about your company shared with their personal connections would act as an important catalyst in making your brand amazingly popular.
公司的员工应该是您最强有力的支持者。 和你一起工作 我 ndividuals应该坚信你和你的品牌。 员工是您最重要的资产,与您的个人关系共享的关于公司的正面口碑将成为使您的品牌大受欢迎的重要催化剂。
Secure your company brand. Now that you are already working on various aspects of promoting your brand, it is obvious that your competitors would envy you and adopt unethical methods to destroy your efforts. Hence, it is very crucial to stay alert and assertive towards solving and managing the problems arising due to this.
保护您的公司品牌。 现在您已经在各个方面进行品牌推广,很明显,您的竞争对手会羡慕您,并采用不道德的方法来破坏您的努力。 因此,对于解决和管理由此引起的问题保持警惕和果断非常重要。
Making effective use of the visitors Visual senses. It is necessary for you to carry out enough research for deciding a visually identifiable clue which would make a mark on the minds of the visitor. This clue should be such that whenever and wherever it is seen, people should be able to easily relate to your brand. A unique Logo for example, can be a perfect tool for that purpose. When selecting a logo, make sure that it describes your brand.
有效利用访客的视觉感官。 您有必要进行足够的研究来确定视觉上可识别的线索,从而在访问者的脑海中留下深刻的印象。 这种线索应该使人们无论何时何地都可以轻松地与您的品牌建立联系。 例如,独特的徽标可以是达到此目的的完美工具。 选择徽标时,请确保其描述您的品牌。
Upon implementation of the above suggestions in your branding tasks, you mustn’t over-expect from the efforts that you are putting in, it would rarely happen that your brand gains optimum popularity overnight. You need to give sometime for that and in the meantime maintain a steady pace in adding efforts with a confidence that your brand yields fruitful results in end. If it doesn’t, then it isn’t the END !!
在您的品牌推广任务中实施上述建议后,您一定不要对自己投入的努力过高的期望,这种情况很少会在一夜之间让您的品牌获得最佳的知名度。 您需要为此付出一些时间,与此同时保持稳定的步伐,加倍努力,并确信自己的品牌最终会取得丰硕的成果。 如果没有,那不是结束!
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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-make-your-brand-successful/