参加Oracle Certified Professional培训,精通Oracle数据库操作 #生活技巧# #工作学习技巧# #工作技能认证#
private List<TicketAdjustmentEntity> sortAdjustmentList(Set<TicketAdjustmentEntity> ticketAdjustmentlist) {
ArrayList<TicketAdjustmentEntity> sortedAdjustment = new ArrayList<TicketAdjustmentEntity>(ticketAdjustmentlist);
if(sortedAdjustment.size() < 1) // only need sort with multiple adjustments
return sortedAdjustment;
Collections.sort(sortedAdjustment, new Comparator<TicketAdjustmentEntity>() {
public int compare(final TicketAdjustmentEntity adjustment1, final TicketAdjustmentEntity adjustment2) {
if(adjustment1.getDate().equals(adjustment2.getDate())) {
return adjustment1.getInvoiceNumber().compareTo(adjustment2.getInvoiceNumber());
} else {
return adjustment1.getDate().compareTo(adjustment2.getDate());
return sortedAdjustment;
select * from t_locale WHERE sequence in(select min(sequence) from t_locale)
select * from t_location where type='S' AND wh_id='Warehouse2'
just for your information i asked matt in our last meeting would you add this comment to the resolution or the description and he said you guys would add it to the description
i don't need a email if you add it to the defect but i can clarify with matt and pam
FROM t_pick_detail pkd1
INNER JOIN t_stored_item sto
ON sto.wh_id = pkd1.wh_id
AND sto.type = pkd1.pick_id
INNER JOIN t_order orm
ON orm.wh_id = pkd1.wh_id
AND orm.order_number = pkd1.order_number
WHERE sto.type <> 0
AND sto.wh_id = 'Warehouse2'
AND sto.location_id = 'S1'
AND pkd1.status = 'STAGED'
AND pkd1.staged_quantity <> pkd1.packed_quantity
AND pkd1.order_number NOT IN (SELECT pkd2.order_number
FROM t_pick_detail pkd2
WHERE pkd2.status <> 'STAGED'
AND pkd2.wh_id = 'Warehouse2'
AND pkd2.staging_location = 'STAGED')
ORDER BY pkd1.order_number
SELECT COUNT(sto.hu_id)
FROM t_pick_detail pkd
INNER JOIN t_stored_item sto
ON pkd.wh_id = sto.wh_id
AND pkd.pick_id = sto.type
WHERE sto.location_id = :Location:
AND sto.wh_id = :Warehouse ID:
AND sto.hu_id IS NOT NULL
AND sto.type <> 0
FROM t_order orm
WHERE orm.order_number= pkd.order_number
AND orm.wh_id = pkd.wh_id
AND pkd.status = 'STAGED'
AND pkd.packed_quantity < pkd.staged_quantity
SELECT * FROM t_pick_detail pkd INNER JOIN t_stored_item sto ON pkd.wh_id = sto.wh_id AND pkd.pick_id = sto.type WHERE sto.location_id = 'S1' AND sto.wh_id = 'Warehouse2' AND pkd.order_number = 'S0011' AND sto.type <> 0 AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM t_order orm WHERE orm.order_number= pkd.order_number AND orm.wh_id = pkd.wh_id AND pkd.status = 'STAGED' )
INSERT INTO t_pack ( wh_id , id , order_number , load_id , location_id ) VALUES ( 'Warehouse2' , 'AMY02' , 'S0011' , 'L002' , 'S1' )
INSERT INTO t_hu_master values('LP312','SO','S0011','S1','M','A','2008-03-04 00:00:00.000','Warehouse2','0',NULL,'L002',0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
SELECT * FROM t_stored_item sto, t_location lo where sto.location_id=lo.location_id and sto.wh_id=lo.wh_id and sto.wh_id='Warehouse2' and lo.item_hu_indicator='I'
SELECT * FROM t_item_master where display_item_number='NNFG00000' and wh_id='Warehouse2'
SELECT * FROM t_stored_item sto, t_location lo where sto.location_id=lo.location_id and sto.wh_id=lo.wh_id and sto.wh_id='Warehouse2' and lo.item_hu_indicator not in ('I')
SELECT * FROM t_location where status='E'and wh_id='Warehouse2' AND location_id NOT LIKE '%FA%' AND item_hu_indicator not in ('I')
select * from all_source WHERE name like '%PKG%'
select * from user_procedures where procedure_name like '%PKG%'
select * from dba_procedures where procedure_name like '%PKG%'
select * from DBA_Source where text LIKE '%cycle%'
select * from DBA_Source where name like '%cycle_count_loc_type_sts%'
select * from user_source where text LIKE '%cycle%'
select *
from all_source a
where a.type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
order by line asc
select * from dba_source where
select * from DBA_Source where name ='PKG_CYCLECOUNTS'
select * from user_procedures where procedure_name like '%pkg%'
SELECT * FROM dba_objects WHERE object_name LIKE '%pkg%'
select * from dba_procedures where procedure_name like '%pkg%'
SELECT * FROM dba_procedures where object_name like '%pkg%'
select * from dba_source ds where ds.type ='PACKAGE BODY'
and ='FUNCTION cycle_count_loc_type_sts'
select TEXT from all_source where type='PACKAGE BODY' and line= '4'and name='PKG_CYCLECOUNTS'
Oracle数据库数据安全面面观oracle 清理lob set (lob字段)='n',ORACLE数据库使用的常见问题(三)
Oracle SQL 优化与子查询技巧
Oracle 大表数据删除/清理方法小结
oracle 用户被锁定解锁方法