automagic 使用

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automagic 使用

automagic 使用

Automation is always a good thing, and we’ve looked at various ways in which you can automate tasks on your Android. AutoMagic takes a different approach to things, making it possible to create flow charts that are used to trigger actions based on various conditions.

自动化始终是一件好事,我们已经研究了可以在Android上自动化任务的各种方法。 AutoMagic对事物采取了不同的方法,因此可以创建用于根据各种条件触发动作的流程图。

While this is a premium app that can be purchased from Google Play there’s also an evaluation version that can be downloaded for ten days’ of testing from the app website.

虽然这是可以从Google Play购买的高级应用程序,但还有一个评估版,可以从该应用程序网站下载进行十天的测试 。

Right from the offset, it is clear that Automagic is one of the more powerful apps to be found in this genre. Just in terms of the number of events that can be used as triggers, this is an extremely interesting utility, but the way in which automations are configured is also worthy of note.

从偏移量开始,很明显Automagic是该类型中功能更强大的应用程序之一。 就可以用作触发器的事件数量而言,这是一个非常有趣的实用程序,但是配置自动化的方式也值得一提。

There is a very visual approach to things, and each automation takes the form of a flow charge – if a particular condition is true, one course of action should be taken, if it is false, another is executed instead.


创建流程 (Creating a Flow)

There is immense scope for Automagic. The sheer number of available triggers means that this is a far more flexible tool that other comparable apps, and the fact that a particular trigger can be configured to execute different actions depending on its state allows for complex scenarios to be set up.

Automagic有很大的范围。 可用触发器的数量众多,这意味着它是比其他同类应用程序灵活得多的工具,并且可以根据状态将特定触发器配置为执行不同的操作,从而可以设置复杂的场景。

Something that is of concern to all phone users is how long the battery is going to last. Automagic can be used to help maximize battery life by gradually disabling system options as the battery level depletes.

所有手机用户都需要关注的问题是电池可以使用多长时间。 当电池电量耗尽时,可以通过逐渐禁用系统选项来使用Automagic来帮助延长电池寿命。

Tap the settings button, followed by New Flow, and then tap the empty node that is displayed.


Tap the document button that appears above the trigger node to set its type, and hit new to select the type that should be used. Scroll through the list and tap Battery Level.

点击出现在触发器节点上方的文档按钮以设置其类型,然后单击“新建”以选择应使用的类型。 滚动列表,然后点击电池电量。

The drop down menu at the bottom of the screen can be used to choose what should act as a trigger. By default, this is set to ‘becomes lower than’, and this makes sense in most situations. Use the slider at the very bottom to indicate the battery level at which you would like to trigger an event.

屏幕底部的下拉菜单可用于选择触发条件。 默认情况下,将其设置为“变得低于”,这在大多数情况下是有意义的。 使用底部的滑块来指示您要触发事件的电池电量。

Tap Save at the top of the screen and you can start adding extra conditions.


添加条件 (Adding Conditions)

Conditions to flows are basically caveats. Here we are creating a trigger that will start to shut down phone features when the battery level drops below 75%, but this is something that is likely to happen on a regular basis.

流动的条件基本上是警告。 在这里,我们创建了一个触发器,当电池电量低于75%时,它将开始关闭手机功能,但是这种情况很可能会定期发生。

When you are at home or in the office, it does not really matter if your battery level starts to drop as you are likely to be near a source of power to charge up. In fact, the chances are that if you are in range of a wireless network, you are also in range of a power outlet.

当您在家或在办公室时,电池电量是否开始下降并不重要,因为您可能正在靠近充电电源。 实际上,如果您在无线网络范围内,那么您也有可能在电源插座范围内。

The presence of a wifi signal can be used as a condition to your trigger. Tap the Trigger node you have created and drag the + icon down slightly. Release the icon and then tap Condition in the menu that appears.

wifi信号的存在可以用作触发条件。 点击您创建的触发器节点,然后将+图标略微向下拖动。 释放图标,然后在出现的菜单中点击“条件”。

Tap New to bring up a list of available conditions and select the WiFi Connected option.

点击新建以显示可用条件列表,然后选择“ WiFi已连接”选项。

This is usually going to be a better option than just checking for the availability of a wireless network, as you may well encounter others when you are out and about. But if you are connected to a network, it’s probable you can charge your phone.

与仅检查无线网络的可用性相比,这通常是一个更好的选择,因为当您外出旅行时可能会遇到其他人。 但是,如果您已连接到网络,则可能可以为手机充电。

You can opt to limit the flow so that it is only triggered when you are connected to specific wifi networks, but for this example, we’ll leave it so that all SSIDs act as a trigger condition.


Tap Save to continue.


Back at the flow screen, tap the + beneath the condition node you’ve added and drag it down. Tap False from the menu that appears – this is because the action that we’ll configure in a moment should only be triggered whenever you are not connected to a network.

返回到流程屏幕,点击添加的条件节点下方的+并将其向下拖动。 在出现的菜单中点击False –这是因为我们稍后将配置的操作仅在您未连接到网络时才被触发。

配置动作 (Configuring Actions)

Now tap Action from the menu that appears, and you can choose what should happen when your specified conditions have been met.


Just as before, tap New and choose the action that should be performed. There are many to choose from, but when it comes to conserving battery, those that are most likely to be of interest can be found in the ‘set’ section of the list.

和以前一样,点击“新建”,然后选择应执行的操作。 有很多选择,但是在节电方面,最有可能引起关注的电池可以在列表的“设置”部分中找到。

A severe drain on battery life is screen brightness, so it makes sense to reduce this when trying to save power. Select Set Screen Brightness, disable the ‘Automatic brightness’ setting and use the slider to specify the level that should be used instead.

屏幕亮度会严重消耗电池电量,因此在尝试节省电量时应降低此亮度。 选择设置屏幕亮度,禁用“自动亮度”设置,然后使用滑块指定应该使用的级别。

To ensure that the Flows you create are active, you need to remember to flip the switch at the top of the screen so that it is in the On position.


进一步发展 (Taking Things Further)

Each flow you create can be made as simple or as complex as you like. In this example, we have configured an action that should be performed whenever the phone is not connected to a network – actions can also be set up for when it is.

您创建的每个流程都可以根据需要变得简单或复杂。 在此示例中,我们配置了一个应在电话未连接到网络时执行的操作–也可以针对何时连接电话进行设置。

The flowchart style used by Automagic makes it easy to see what a particular flow is doing and how it works.


There is also the option of using one flow to call up another. As a flow can consist of just an action – such as starting a timer – one flow could be used to not only change system settings, but also perform actions such as executing apps, calling up scripts and much more.

还可以选择使用一种流程调用另一种流程。 由于流只能包含一项操作(例如启动计时器),因此一个流不仅可以用于更改系统设置,还可以执行诸如执行应用程序,调用脚本之类的操作。

What do you use to automate tasks on your phone? Do you like to keep things as simple or do you like the extra power that’s provided by more advanced tools like Automagic?

您使用什么来自动执行手机上的任务? 您是否想使事情保持简单,还是喜欢像Automagic这样的高级工具所提供的强大功能?


automagic 使用

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