We should enquire together, deeply, into what meditation is and whether there is anything sacred, holy—not the thing that thought has invented as being holy, that is not holy. What thought creates is not holy, is not sacred, because it is based on knowledge, and how can anything that thought invents, being incomplete, be sacred? But all over the world we worship that which thought has invented.
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There is no system, no practice but the clarity of perception of a mind that is free to observe, a mind which has no direction, no choice. Most systems of meditation have the problem of controlling thought. Most meditation, whether the Zen, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Christian, or that of the latest guru, tries to control thought; through control you centralize, you bring all your energy to a particular point. That is concentration, which means that there is a controller different from the controlled.
The controller is thought, memory, and that which he is controlling is still thought—which is wandering off, so there is conflict. You are sitting quietly and thought goes off; you are like a schoolboy looking out of the window and the teacher says, ‘Don’t look out of the window, concentrate on your book.’ We have to learn the fact that the controller is the controlled. The controller, the thinker, the experiencer, are, we think, different from the controlled, from the movement of thought, from the experience. But if we observe closely, the thinker is the thought. Thought has made the thinker separate from thought, who then says, ‘I must control.’
So when you see that the controller is the controlled you totally remove conflict. Conflict exists only when there is the division. Where there is the division between the observer, the one who witnesses, the one who experiences and that which he observes and experiences, there must be conflict. Our life is in conflict because we live with this division. But this division is fallacious, it is not real, it has become our habit, our culture, to control. We never see that the controller is the controlled.
So when one realizes that fact—not verbally, not idealistically, not as a Utopian state for which you have to struggle, actually in one’s life that the controller is the controlled, the thinker is the thought—then the whole pattern of one’s thinking undergoes a radical change and there is no conflict. That change is absolutely necessary if one is meditating because meditation demands a mind that is highly compassionate, and therefore highly intelligent, with an intelligence which is born out of love, not out of cunning thought.
Meditation means the establishment of order in one’s daily life, so that there is no contradiction; it means having rejected totally all the systems of meditation so that one’s mind is completely free, without direction; so that one’s mind is completely silent. Is that possible? Because one is chattering endlessly; the moment one leaves this place one will start chattering. One’s mind will continue everlastingly occupied, chattering, thinking, struggling, and so there is no space.
Space is necessary to have silence, for a mind that is practising, struggling, to be silent is never silent. But when it sees that silence is absolutely necessary—not the silence projected by thought, not the silence between two notes, between two noises, between two wars, but the silence of order—then in that silence, truth, which has no path to it, exists. Truth that is timeless, sacred, incorruptible. That is meditation.
The Network of Thought, Talk 9
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