《论语》:孔子关于仁爱、礼义的居家生活理念 #生活知识# #家居生活# #居家生活哲学# #生活哲学书籍#
看于丹孔子论语--心灵之道的感想 看于丹孔子论语--心灵之道的感想提要:今天看了一集百家讲坛,看后有许多的感慨.让我通彻了很多之前没想明白或爱计较的一些事情 看于丹孔子论语--心灵之道的感想 今天看了一集百家讲坛,看后有许多的感慨.让我通彻了很多之前没想明白或爱计较的一些事情.我爱看孔子的和庄子的,我认为它们很修身养性,每次当我心情烦的时候,不高兴的时候,我就会看,看后我的内心很平静,我所烦恼的东西在他们的世界里,是那么的微不足道,那么的渺小.他们的心胸与气度同时也深深地感染了我.所以我看后,我的内心恢复了异常的平静. 纵观他们的思想,讲究的是对这世上一切的物质东西的一种淡定思想,对功名利禄的不屑一顾,对死亡的不惧,提倡心灵的勇敢.做到一种超然脱俗的境界.提倡一切顺其自然,万物自有它的规律的人生态度和境界. 是啊,人生苦短,时间短暂.人生不如意十之八九,我们不应该过于讲究得与失.当我们得到的时候,不要太忘形了,反而要更加珍惜你所拥有的.而对于我们失去的时候,不要总沉浸于悲伤与痛苦中,而我们所要做的是首先是先认可和接受这件事情的发生,而后采取一些行动来弥补这个遗憾.要将自己宝贵而有限的时间做些更有价值的事情,请永远用放大镜将自己开心快乐的事情放大,而不是去放大遗憾与失去. 我认为生活,工作,学习与情感,都可参照这种态度去面对. Measures for the routine management of moral education in Middle SchoolsMethod of conventional management of moral education in middle schoolFirst, the guiding ideology:School moral education is an organic whole of the whole education work, always adhere to the school adhere to the moral education, education for this product, and actively promote the quality education, the school building efficient curriculum system of moral education, moral education, improve the sense of attraction and appeal, enhance the moral education work for through and timeliness. Teach everyone, service education and management education, and school moral education work must be with family education and community education closely together, to form a concerted pattern, and strive to create a good atmosphere for education, and to promote the all-round development of students, to establish a scientific moral education full of vigor the For long-term mechanism.Two, the goal of moral education:To guide the students to form the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to cultivate students unity and mutual assistance, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, good quality, hard work, set a good XX students ideological quality, psychological quality and image quality. The formation of excellent moral education curriculum system and management system, the construction of school. The society, family moral educa
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于丹《论语》心得-于丹《论语》心得之二 心灵之道
于丹《论语》心得之二 心灵之道(3)(范文)
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