在种植前进行土壤检测,针对问题调整种植策略 #生活技巧# #园艺种植技巧# #有机园艺方法#
摘要: 种植体周炎是一种与菌斑相关的种植体周组织疾病,主要表现为种植体周软组织炎症伴有进行性骨组织丧失,是影响种植修复远期效果、导致种植治疗失败的主要原因。种植体表面去污是种植体周炎治疗的关键,非手术治疗和手术治疗中多种去污措施都被应用于临床,但尚无金标准方法。因此,对比健康和罹患种植体周炎的种植体生物界面特点,了解针对感染种植体表面的多种去污策略,对指导临床种植体周炎的治疗决策具有重要意义。
关键词: 种植体, 种植体周炎, 菌斑, 种植体表面去污, 手术治疗
Abstract: Peri-implantitis is a biofilm-mediated pathological condition of peri-implant tissue, characterized by inflammation in peri-implant mucosa accompanied by progressive loss of supporting bone around dental implants. It is the main reason that affects the long-term result of dental implant restoration, which might eventually lead to implant failure. Implant surface decontamination is the key to the management of peri-implantitis. Non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment have both been used in clinical practice, but there is no gold standard protocol for implant decontamination. Therefore, it is of great significance to compare the characteristics of implants with and without peri-implantitis to understand the decontamination strategy for infected implant surfaces, which can provide a reference for clinicians in the decision-making when managing peri-implantitis.
Key words: Dental implant, Peri-implantitis, Biofilms, Debridement, Surgical treatment
网址:种植体周炎治疗中针对种植体表面的去污策略 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/646580
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