《疾病预防:健康生活方式与疾病防治》 #生活技巧# #健康生活方式# #健康生活方式书籍# #健康生活方式讲座视频#
摘要: 随着社会和经济的快速发展,中国居民的健康水平明显提高,国民体质逐步增强。然而,在享受丰富物质的同时,人们的饮食起居和生活习惯也在发生着改变。从传染病到慢性病,各类疾病的发生发展和生活方式均密切相关,与高盐高油饮食、吸烟、缺乏体力活动等生活方式密切相关的肥胖、高血脂、高血压、高血糖等已成为影响我国居民健康素质的重要疾病。本文从传染病和慢性病的角度,重点阐述各类疾病和生活方式的关系,并从防控疾病的视角介绍健康生活方式的内容,旨在为健康促进提供新的思路和参考。
Abstract: With the rapid development of the society and economy, the general health level has been gradually improved among Chinese population. However, with the promotion of material well-being, the daily life and living habits of the Chinese people are also changing. From infectious diseases to chronic diseases, the occurrence and development of various diseases and people′s lifestyle are closely related. Obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and hyperglycemia, which are closely related to increased consumption dietary salt and oil, smoking and lack of physical activity, have become important diseases affecting the health quality of Chinese residents. From the perspective of infectious diseases and chronic diseases, this review focuses on the relationship between various diseases and lifestyle, and introduces the content of healthy lifestyle from the perspective of disease prevention and control for providing new ideas and references for health promotion in Chinese population.
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