
发布时间:2024-11-13 08:18

本科毕业论文 (20 届) 基于JavaWeb的大学生家教平台的设计 所在学院 专业班级计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月 摘要 大学生做家教是一个学生自己获取生活补助,同时又是锻炼自己生活,社交 技能的一种方式。但是一般在学校里面发传单招家教的公司其中欺骗现象很多, 没有办法很好的获取学生的信任。本系统的目的就是消除大学生与学生家长之间 的距离可以零零接触。家长可以选择老师,同时老师又可以选择家长。通过功能 模块的优化组合实现不同的管理细节,使管理过程实现最大程度的自动化与信息 化。 本系统主要功能分为另个角色家长和教师。具体功能包括,用户的注册修改 信息。教师注册修改信息,教师管理自己的信息:授课时间,授课科目,授课年 级。同时可以查看自己的订单并做确认订单,评价和评分等操作,查看和回复通 知。家长注册修改信息,管理子女信息,提交订单,评价和评分等操作,查看和 回复通知。最后是一个简单的论坛系统,具体功能:发帖查看帖子以及跟帖,让 使用该平台的用户可以尽情讨论各种信息。 本文从大学生家教平台开发前景、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、数据库 设计和系统实现等方面详细阐述了基于JavaWeb的大学生家教平台的整个开发 过程,也实现了预期的各项功能。 关键词:JavaWeb;大学生家教;校园 Abstract College students to do tutor is a student to get their own living allowance, but also exercise their own life, social skills, a way. But generally in the school which sent a single recruit tutor of the company which cheating a lot of things, there is no way to get a good student trust. The purpose of this system is to eliminate the distance between college students and parents of students can be zero contact. Parents can choose the teacher, while the teacher can choose parents. Through the optimization of functional modules to achieve different management details, so that the management process to achieve the greatest degree of automation and information technology. The main function of this system is divided into another role parents and teachers. Specific features include the users registration modification information. Teacher registration to modify the information, teachers manage their own information: teaching time, teaching subjects, teaching grade. At the same time you can view your own orders and confirm the order, evaluation and rating operations, view and reply to the notice. Parents register to modify information, manage child information, submit orders, evaluate and rate operations, view and reply notifications. Finally, a simple forum system, the specific function: post to see posts and thread, so that the use of the platform users can enjoy a variety of information. This paper elabo

网址:基于JavaWeb的大学生家教平台的设计【毕业论文】(32页) https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/65316


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