Data by Meituan showed that searches for "door-to-door cooking" rose by 533 percent over Oct to Dec in 2022. Door-to-door cooking is akin to hiring a chef at home who offers clients anything from festive dishes to daily meals, with users claiming that it costs between 66 yuan and 88 yuan for up to four dishes. Most part-time chefs are young or middle-aged.
A 2022 consumption survey by domestic consulting firm Zhimeng showed that nearly 80 percent of an undisclosed number of respondents born after 1995 said that they used smart appliances for household tasks, while 75 percent of them relied on services to save time on cooking and cleaning. Such a demand has created a niche market dubbed the "lazy economy" that includes anything from smart home appliances to precooked meal delivery services.
Many young people are outsouring the decluttering of their homes to professionals. Compared with traditional housekeeping and cleaning services, organizing services bring a customized solution, albeit at a higer price. In many of the cases, it's not solely about solving problems related to objects, it's more about solving relationship-related problems. Many housewives used it as a way to end disputes with their family members, while office workers viewed an organized living space as a symbol of harmony.
图源:Sixth Tone
Cleaning robots have emerged as one of the most popular technologies, with sales reaching 11 billion yuan in 2021, up by 17 percent from the previous year, according to market consultancy AskCI. Such robots have a higher level of autonomy and come with features that automatically fill themselves up with water and also wash and dry the mop. The product is a true liberation for our hands and body.
图源:Getty Images
The robust demand has lured a large number of enterprises to enter the sector in recent years, with sales for precooked meals during last year's "Double Eleven" shopping bonanza doubling from the previous year. China currently has an estimated 64,000 precooked food related enterprises, and the market is expected to reach more than 1 trillion yuan in 2026, according to market consultancy firm iiMedia.
图源:Sixth Tone
The "lazy economy" is driven by consumers who want to reduce their routine tasks at home. The target group for this economy is people born between 1995-2000 who are only children and have different values from their parents. Students and young urban workers, in particular, contribute the most to this economy according to Gui Weirong, leader of the marketing department of Cao is Starving, a successful food company in China.
来源:中国日报 中国商报网 Sixth Tone
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