研究城市消费水平与居民生活品质的关系 #生活乐趣# #生活质量# #生活品质# #城市生活质量研究#
摘要: 体育消费高质量发展将是满足人民日益增长的美好生活需求的重要引擎。文章系统阐述体育消费高质量发展和高品质生活的内涵并构建研究框架,解析体育消费高质量发展推动创造高品质生活的作用机理和现实依据。研究认为:体育消费的基础效应、核心效应、保障效应能为人民群众提供获得感、幸福感与安全感,从而推动创造高品质生活。消费理念、消费结构、消费水平、消费模式以及消费环境的转变与升级是体育消费高质量发展的主要表现,并成为体育消费高质量发展创造高品质生活的现实依据。进入新发展阶段,应当以新发展理念引领体育消费高质量发展,为创造高品质生活提供坚实的物质基础;坚持体育产业供给侧、需求侧双侧改革,为创造高品质生活提供丰富的有效供给;构建体育消费双循环新发展格局,把国内市场作为创造高品质生活的主要来源;不断完善以民生为重点的制度建设,为创造高品质生活提供稳定的制度保障。
关键词: 体育产业, 体育消费, 高质量发展, 高品质生活
Abstract: The high-quality development of sports consumption will be an important engine to meet the people's growing demand for a better life. This paper systematically elaborates the connotations of high quality development of sports consumption and high quality of life, and constructs a research framework to analyze the mechanism and practical basis of high quality development of sports consumption to promote the creation of high quality of life. The research suggests that the basic, core, and safeguarding effects of sports consumption can provide people with a sense of achievement, happiness, and security, thus driving the creation of a high-quality life. The transformation and upgrading of consumption concepts, consumption structure, consumption level, consumption patterns, and consumption environment are the main manifestations of high-quality development in sports consumption, and they serve as the practical basis for high-quality sports consumption to contribute to a high-quality life. Entering the new stage of development, we should promote the high-quality development of sports consumption with the new development concept to provide a solid material foundation for creating a high quality of life; adhere to the dual reform of the supply side and demand side of the sports industry to provide a rich and effective supply for creating a high quality of life; build a new development pattern of sports consumption double cycle while take the domestic market as the main source for creating a high quality of life; and continuously improve the institutional construction focusing on people's livelihood to provide a stable institutional guarantee for creating a high quality of life.
Key words: sports industry, sports consumption, high quality development, high quality of life
网址:体育消费高质量发展创造高品质生活的机理与路径研究 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/669092
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打造高品质生活 服务高质量发展
高质量发展 高品质生活 高效能治理 成都如何棋“高”一筹?
重庆:推动高质量发展 创造高品质生活