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IJCKG 2021 Program
(All times Beijing Time)
December 6th
Chair: Oscar Corcho
Keynote I
Chair: Oscar Corcho
Knowledge Graphs: Theory, Applications and Challenges
Ian Horrocks, Professor, University of Oxford
KGR4XAI Workshop
December 7th
Session I: Graph-based Learning
Chair: Xiaowang Zhang
FedE: Embedding Knowledge Graphs in Federated SettingMingyang Chen, Wen Zhang, Zonggang Yuan, Yantao Jia and Huajun Chenlong19:20
Knowledge-Based Conversational Recommender Systems Enhanced by Dialogue Policy LearningKeyu Chen and Shiliang Sunlong19:40
FEED: A Chinese Financial Event Extraction Dataset Constructed by Distant SupervisionGuozheng Li, Peng Wang, Jiafeng Xie, Ruilong Cui and Zhenkai Denglong20:00
Multi-hop Reasoning Based on Reinforcement Learning and Hyperbolic Knowledge Graph EmbeddingXingchen Zhou, Peng Wang, Qiqing Luo and Zhe Panlong20:20
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Knowledge GraphsAsara Senaratne, Graham Williams and Peter Christenshort20:25
Improving Knowledge Graph Representation Learning by Structure Contextual Pre-trainingGanqiang Ye, Wen Zhang, Zhen Bi, Chi Man Wong, Chen Hui and Huajun Chenshort20:30
Explainable Knowledge Reasoning Framework Using Multiple Knowledge Graph EmbeddingMori Kurokawashort20:35
Q&A for Short Papers (breakout rooms)
Keynote II
Chair: Haofen Wang
Knowledge-oriented Explainable Cognitive Reasoning
Juanzi Li, Professor, Tsinghua University
Session II: Graph-based Learning
Chair: Tianxing Wu
Knowledge Graph Embedding in E-commerce Applications: Attentive Reasoning, Explanations, and Transferable RulesWen Zhang, Shumin Deng, Mingyang Chen, Liang Wang, Qiang Chen and Huajun Chenlong22:40
Auto Insurance Knowledge Graph Construction and Its Application to Fraud DetectionLong Zhang, Tianxing Wu, Xiuqi Chen, Bingjie Lu, Chongning Na and Guilin Qilong23:00
Scaling Usability of ML Analytics with Knowledge Graphs: Exemplifiedwith A Bosch Welding CaseBaifan Zhou, Dongzhuoran Zhou, Jieying Chen, Yulia Svetashova, Gong Cheng and Evgeny Kharlamovlong
Fuzzy Search of Knowledge Graph with Link PredictionTakanori Ugaishort23:25
Normal vs. Adversarial: Salience-based Analysis of Adversarial Samples for Relation ExtractionLuoqiu Li, Xiang Chen, Zhen Bi, Xin Xie, Shumin Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Chuanqi Tan, Mosha Chen and Huajun Chenshort23:30
Text-Enhanced Question Answering over Knowledge GraphJiaying Tian, Bohan Li, Ye Ji and Jiajun Wushort23:35
Enhanced Knowledge Graph Embedding for Multi-Task Recommendation via Integrating Attribute Information and High-Order ConnectivityYani Wang, Aoran Li, Ji Zhang and Bohan Lishort23:40
NePTuNe: Neural Powered Tucker Network for Knowledge Graph CompletionShashank Sonkar, Arzoo Katiyar and Richard Baraniukshort23:45
Q&A for Short Papers (breakout rooms)
Keynote III
Chair: Aidan Hogan
Distinguishing Graph Neural Networks in terms of their power, and how to choose the right architecture
Juan Reutter, Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
December 8th
Session III: Data, Queries, Semantics
Chair: Hideaki Takeda
Extracting Domain-specific Concepts from Large-scale Linked Open DataSatoshi Kume and Kouji Kozakilong19:20
Improving Low-resource Reading Comprehension via Cross-lingual Transposition RethinkingGaochen Wu, Bin Xu, Yuxin Qin, Weizhou Wang and Geng Wanglong19:40
ROSE-NER: Robust Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition on Insufficient Labeled DataHaiyan Chen, Shuwei Yuan and Xiang Zhanglong20:00
Ontologies of Action and Object in Home Environment towards Injury PreventionSatoshi Nishimura, Shusaku Egami, Takanori Ugai, Mikiko Oono, Koji Kitamura and Ken Fukudashort20:05
Gene Ranking based on Paths from Phenotypes to Genes on Knowledge GraphAtsuko Yamaguchi, Jae-Moon Shin and Toyofumi Fujiwarashort20:10
Knowledge Graph Enhanced Community Consensus: a Scenario-based Knowledge Construction on Buddha ImagesAkkharawoot Takhom, Tharathon Utasri, Dhanon Leenoi, Pitchaya Soomjinda, Prachya Boonkwan and Thepchai Supnithishort20:15
Pre-classification Supporting Reasoning for Document-level Relation ExtractionJiehao Zhao, Guiduo Duan and Tianxi Huangshort20:20
Automated Reasoning on Machine Learning Model of Legislative Election PredictionYanti Rusmawatishort20:25
Q&A for Short Papers (breakout rooms)
Keynote IV
Chair: Lei Hou
Knowledge Graph and Machine Learning: Three Key Business Needs
Yu Xu, Founder & CEO, TigerGraph
Session IV: Data, Queries, Semantics
Chair: TBD
SOSA-SHACL: Shapes Constraint for the Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator OntologyRui Zhu, Cogan Shimizu, Shirly Stephen, Lu Zhou, Ling Cai, Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz, Mark Schildhauer and Pascal Hitzlerlong22:40
Enhancing Rare Disease Research with Semantic Integration of Environmental and Health DataAlbert Navarro-Gallinad, Fabrizio Orlandi and Declan O’Sullivanlong23:00
A Pattern for Features on a Hierarchical Spatial GridCogan Shimizu, Rui Zhu, Gengchen Mai, Colby Fisher, Ling Cai, Mark Schildhauer, Krzysztof Janowicz, Pascal Hitzler, Lu Zhou and Shirly Stephenlong23:20
Knowledge Graph Curation: A Practical FrameworkElwin Huaman and Dieter Fenselshort23:25
Towards Ontology Reshaping for KG Generation with User-in-the-Loop: Applied to Bosch WeldingDongzhuoran Zhou, Baifan Zhou, Jieying Chen, Gong Cheng, Egor Kostylev and Evgeny Kharlamovshort23:30
LEKG: A System for Constructing Knowledge Graph from Log ExtractionFangrong Wang, Alan Bundy, Xue Li, Ruiqi Zhu, Kwabena Nuamah, Lei Xu, Stefano Mauceri and Jeff Panshort23:35
Multi-modal Navigation Interaction Recommendation with a Driver Demand-Based Knowledge GraphKeqi Chen, Jun Ma, Qianwen Zhang and Yue Baishort23:40
ESDL: Entity Summarization with Deep LearningAbdulkarim Kushk and Krzysztof Kochutshort23:45
Q&A for Short Papers (breakout rooms)
Town Hall
Chair: Various
Closing & Awards
Chair: Various
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