IEC 62481
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Digital living network alliance (DLNA) home networked device interoperability guidelines - Part 4: DRM interoperability solutions 数字生活网络联盟(DLNA)家庭网络设备互操作性指南 - 第4部分:DRM互操作性解决方案
IEC?62481-4:20 17(E)规定了用于DRM互操作性解决方案(DIS)的DLNA指南,其被定义为使得能够在网络媒体设备上的不同实现之间安全传输和使用受保护的商业内容的方法。该内容可以通过不同的内容保护技术来保护。在本文档中,它们被称为DRM。 这第二版取消并取代了2014年出版的第一版。本版构成技术修订版。 与上一版相比,此版本包括以下重大技术变更: A)?删除对移动数字媒体上传器(M-DMU)的引用; b)?删除对移动数字媒体下载器(M-DMD)的引用。
IEC?62481-4:2017(E) specifies DLNA guidelines for DRM Interoperability Solutions (DIS), which are defined as methods to enable the secure transfer and use of protected commercial content between different implementations on network media devices. This content could be protected by different content protection technologies. In this document, they are referred to as DRMs.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a)?removal of references to Mobile Digital Media Uploader (M-DMU);
b)?removal of references to Mobile Digital Media Downloader (M-DMD).
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