《压力管理与健康心理学》- 学习应对压力的科学策略 #生活技巧# #健康生活方式# #健康生活方式书籍# #健康心理学#
1、Chapter 12,Stress, coping 情绪:愤怒、恐惧、悲伤; 心境:抑郁、焦虑; 生理:血压(Novaco,etal. 1990);,Conflicttwo or more incompatible motivations,冲突的三种类型(Lewin,and Miller(1944) Approach-approach(双趋性冲突):鱼与熊掌; Avoidance-avoidance(双避冲突): approach-avoidance(趋避冲突):进退两难、犹豫不决、举棋不定; Neal Miller(1944)的实验:趋(食物+电击)避(无食物+无电击)冲突; -Laura King and Robert Emmons(1991): 以问卷调查内心冲突与焦虑、抑郁、及生理症状的关系;,conflicts,conflicts,Change:have to change,Two issues: What changes led to stress? Degree ? What consequence? Holmes and Rahe: Social Readjustmen
2、t Rating Scale(SRRS)耗费更多的能量。 肺结核的心理因素调查: 结婚、晋升、有小孩等; 消极刺激; 生活变化大,生理疾病和心理问题也多一些(Creed, 1993); -疾病与生活应激的相关研究;,Social readjustment rating scale,Death of spouse 100 Divorce 73 Jail term 63 Marriage 50 Fired at work 47 Retirement 45 Change in school 20 Vacation 15,学生压力量表(Holmes and Raber),Pressure: expectation to behave in certain ways,Performance pressure Salespeople Professor Actor Student Conform pressure(相符)。 来源于关系期望的压力(工作、学校、家庭、朋友等); 与自我期望有关(idea self 压力与心理问题、生理疾病。,国内研究,恋爱婚姻与家庭内部问题; 恋爱婚姻; 子女与父母关
3、系; 家庭关系变迁; 学校与职业场所的问题; 失学; 失业; 社会生活变化与个人特殊遭遇 灾难性事件; 生活事件量表,Responding to stress,Emotional responding Physiological responding Behavioral responding,Figure 13.4 Overview of the stress process.A potentially stressful event, such as a major exam, elicits a subjective appraisal of how threatening the event is. If the event is viewed with alarm, the stress may trigger emotional, psychological, and behavioral reactions, as peoples response to stress is multidimensional.,Responding to stress: emotional
4、 responses,Stress-specific cognitive reactionspecific emotion( Smith and Lazarus, 1991) Self blame自责-Guilt内疚; Helplessness无助-sadness悲伤; Common emotional response:annoyance(烦恼), anger, and rage; apprehension(忧虑); anxiety(焦虑),and fear;dejection(沮丧), sadness and grief(悲痛);,Emotional responses,Casper,etal.(1987)的研究 被试:96女性, 时间28天 任务:报告她们每天生活中紧张事件与心情; 结果:stress led to negative mood;,Emotional response to stress,研究: 253 Care-giving partners of men with AIDs coping pattern(Folkman,1997) 存在一定的正情绪; Posit
5、ive emotions: interest and joy; Promote creativity and flexibility; 加速信息加工过程; 减弱不良的生理反应; 情绪反应的作用/功能?,Effects of emotional arousal,Emotional arousal and performance(成绩/绩效) The inverted-U-hypothesis(倒U曲线) -简单任务需要较高唤醒水平; -中等难度任务在中等唤醒状态下成绩最好; -复杂任务在较低唤醒状态下才有较好成绩。 情绪与认知关系;,Figure 13.5 Arousal and performance. Graphs of the relationship between emotional arousal and task performance tend to resemble an inverted U, as increased arousal is associated with improved performance up to a point, after which
6、higher arousal leads to poorer performance. The optimal level of arousal for a task depends on the complexity of the task. On complex tasks, a relatively low level of arousal tends to be optimal. On simple tasks, however, performance may peak at a much higher level of arousal.,Physiological Responses Fight-or-flight response。 W. Cannon(1932):cats与dogs的实验;result:increased in breathing and heart rate and decreased in digestive processes。 现代生活与应激的生理反应;,Responding to Stress Physiologically,Hans Sely
7、e:General Adaptation Syndrome,Physical and psychological stress: cold, heat, pain, mild shock,restraint, et. Al. Stressful response: nonspecific reactions. General adaptation syndrome: Alarm(警觉): fight or flight response, Resistance(抵抗、坚持): prolonged stress, Exhaustion(疲乏,衰竭): disease of adaptation(适应疾病);,一般适应症候群和慢性应激,长期压力带来的生理反应是什么?,一般适应症候群 报警阶段 抵抗期 疲惫期 心身失调,一般适应症候群的三个阶段,Brain-body pathways(Felker ,Figure 13.6 Brain-body pathways in stress.In times of stress, the brain sends signals along two p
8、athways. The pathway through the autonomic nervous system controls the release of catecholamine hormones that help mobilize the body for action. The pathway through the pituitary gland and the endocrine system controls the release of corticosteroid hormones that increase energy and ward off tissue inflammation(Felker Behavioral disengagement(行动脱离); Stress increased and led to depression Self blame 适当的自我批判; 过分的自责导致焦虑上升; Catastrophic thinking(自责思维/悲观思维/悲惨思维) Development of depression;,Striking out
9、 at other,Aggression(攻击): Frustration-aggression hypothesis(Dollard,et al.,1939). Displacement(转移):将攻击目标(挫折引起)转移到其它无关的对象,例如,家庭成员; Catharsis(宣泄)-释放发泄紧张情绪,宣泄与抑制对心理/生理适应的作用。,Indulging oneself(纵容自己),Indulging oneself: 在其它方面获得替代满足。 Smoking, Drinking, Drugs using, Overeating, Spend money, Internet addiction(网迷).,Defense mechanisms(防御机制),Repression(压抑) Projection(投射) Displacement(转移/迁怒) Reaction formation(反向形成) Regression(倒退) Rationalization(合理化) Identification(认同),Intellectualization(isolation)智力化,升华。 Overcompensation(过度补偿); Undoing(取消); Denial of reality(否认); Fantasy(幻想);,Constructive coping (Epstein,1989,1990),-更有效、更加健康的应付方式 直接面对问题,积极解决问题; 对引起应激环境和应付资源理性现实的评价; 学习对可能引起的破坏性情绪反应进行重新组织,或者抑制; 努力确保自身不受可能的伤害; -与IQ关系较弱,与社会关系、爱情及成功的工作有较大相关。,The Effects of Stress,On Psychological Functioning On Physical Health,Factors in Effects of stress,Stress: High Personality: how traits modulate the interaction? For what? Why? How?,Stress Impaired task performance Bau
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