学习数据库管理:SQL基础和关系型数据库 #生活技巧# #工作学习技巧# #编程学习路径#
植物生长型和生活型是理解植物响应和适应环境变化的重要形态性状, 对研究植物与环境和生态系统功能的关系, 理解植物地理分布格局和生物多样性形成与维持机制具有重要意义。《中国植物志》和Flora of China中有关植物生长型和生活型的描述存在分类标准不统一, 部分信息缺失、错误或模糊不清等问题。本文基于全国和地方植物志书及野外调查的植物性状信息, 订正了中英文版维管植物的生长型和生活型性状, 建立了中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集。该数据集包含35,329种维管植物, 内容包括植物名称、生长型和生活型性状及其数据来源, 其中植物名称包括来自《中国植物志》、Flora of China和来自《中国生物物种名录(2023版)》的两个分类系统版本, 以便读者相互对照不同分类系统的差异。依据茎木质化程度分为木本植物和草本植物两类, 木本植物有12,600种, 占35.7%; 草本植物为22,729种, 占64.3%。木本植物以中灌木生长型(2,917种, 占23.2%)和常绿生活型(7,107种, 占56.4%)为主, 草本植物以杂类草生长型(19,900种, 占87.6%)和多年生生活型(19,554种, 占86.0%)为主。木本生长型中乔木物种以樟科和壳斗科占比较大, 灌木物种以杜鹃花科、蔷薇科和豆科占比较大; 常绿生活型以杜鹃花科占比较大, 落叶生活型以蔷薇科占比较大。草本生长型中杂类草以菊科占比较大, 禾草以禾本科占比较大; 生活型中一年生、二年生和多年生分别以禾本科、紫草科和菊科占优势。本数据集涵盖了目前中国所有维管植物物种的生长型和生活型信息, 可为植物性状研究提供数据基础。
数据库(集)名称 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集 作者 郑博瀚, 陈鑫瑶, 倪健 通讯作者 倪健( 时间范围 1959-2023 地理区域 中国 文件大小 7.58 MB 数据量 2个文件, 记录35,329条数据 数据格式 *.xlsx 数据链接 数据库(集)组成 数据集共包括1个数据文件和1个数据说明文件。数据文件包含2个工作表, 分别为: 1. 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集(中文版); 2. 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集(英文版)。
关键词: 维管植物, 生长型, 生活型, 植物性状
Plant growth form and life form are important morphological traits for understanding the response and adaptation of plants to environmental changes and are of great significance for the study of the relationship between plants and their environment and ecosystem functions. They are also vital traits in understanding of the geographic distribution pattern of plants and the mechanism of the formation and maintenance of biodiversity. According to the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae and Flora of China, the descriptions of plant growth form and life form in the current edition of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae are characterized by non-uniform classification standards, in which some of the information is missing, incorrect or ambiguous. In this paper, based on the information of plant traits in national and local flora literature and field surveys, we revised the growth form and life form traits of vascular plants, and established a dataset of the growth form and life form of vascular plants in China. The dataset consists of 35,329 vascular plant species, including plant names, growth form and life form traits, and their data sources. The plant names included names both from the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, Flora of China, and from the Catalogue of Life China: 2023 Annual Checklist, to allow the readers to cross-check the differences between both taxonomic systems. Based on the degree of stem lignification, plants were classified into two groups: woody plants (12,600 species, 35.7%) and herbaceous plants (22,729 species, 64.3%). The woody plants were primarily dominated by medium shrub growth form (2,917 species, 23.2%) and evergreen life form (7,107 species, 56.4%). The herbaceous plants were dominated by the forb growth form (19,900 species, 87.6%) and the perennial life form (19,554 species, 86.0%). Among the woody plants, tree species were dominated by the families Lauraceae and Fagaceae, and of shrub species by Ericaceae, Fabaceae, and Rosaceae; evergreen species were dominated by Ericaceae and deciduous species primarily consisted of Rosaceae. Among herbaceous growth form, the forbs were dominated by Asteraceae, and the grasses by Poaceae. The annual herbaceous plants were dominated by Poaceae, biennial species by Boraginaceae, and perennial species by Asteraceae. This dataset covers all the vascular plant species and their growth form and life form in China, and can provide a data foundation for the study of plant traits in future research endeavors.
Database/Dataset Profile
Title A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China Data author(s) Bohan Zheng, Xinyao Chen, Jian Ni Data corresponding author Jian Ni ( Time range 1959-2023 Geographical scope China File size 7.58 MB Data volume Number of records in two file: 35,329 Data format *.xlsx Data link Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of one data file and one data description file, data file including two work sheets: 1. A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China (Chinese version); 2. A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China (English version).
Key words: vascular plant, growth form, life form, plant traits