TechFrom科技源 10.26日,国外创业项目 Moredays,是一个功能要超越日常管理类的移动应用+网络网站,不仅仅具有日程管理功能,而且还能让你对个人的图片,视频等信息进行管理,其最大的亮点是 用户界面非常优秀,亮点之二是支持手写和涂鸦。Moredays 这个创业项目让人看了之后赏心悦目,非常用心。另外,推荐创业项目 创业榜样:移动应用 Momento,网络日记本还能这么玩!堪称完美无缺!
Moredays 目前还在测试之中,做生活管理服务,是日程管理类应用
说实话,Moredays 很难归类到一个类别的移动应用中,这实际上是一个各种功能特点的杂交体,可以同步数据,可以管理自己的生活点滴,尤其是生活灵感,支持图片视频等。
最大的亮点是 可以手写涂鸦,和 用户界面极其优秀。
You likely approach your daily calendar of events and to-dos with a practical, can-do frame of mind. But what if, by simply documenting these events with whimsical sketches and stickers, you could turn everyday chores into colorful, living memories?
This is the intention of Moredays, a private beta startup with a singular focus on the aesthetics of staying organized.
“The vision is to help people organize their lives,” Moredays co-founder Filip Molcan says. He argues that the average person is put off the complexity and poor design of online task managers, calendars and productivity tools. “We believe that people would [organize their lives] if we gave them tools they like.”
Simply put, Moredays is nothing more than a fancy digital calendar for entering events, tasks, notes and contacts. But Moredays possesses an attention to design and detail that, in a perfect world, will make chronicling your life’s events as nostalgic as doodling in a notebook.
用 Moredays 的创始人 Filip Molcan 的话说,不是人们不喜欢用各种日程管理和生活类工具,而是没有找到好用的工具,Moredays 就是要成为用户的生活服务帮手。
Moredays 还没有正式上线,产品的更多详情和体验,你可以去官方网站 看看。