无人超市、无人货架的出现,科技推动无人零售 #生活知识# #生活感悟# #科技生活变迁# #科技改变购物#
National free service phone: 400-000-2866
Phone: 020-88800380
Fax: 020-88800380
Address: No. 9, Ling Gang East Road, Zhong Luo Tan Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Huicheng working procedure:
(1) visit the customer, understand the product use information.
(2) to collect customer feedback product information, to accept customer reports, complaints.
(3) to collect customer comments and complaints, to respond quickly, to the scene to identify the reasons for the situation analysis, and fill out the engineering quality records.
(4) record the type of problem, the existence of the site, the cause, and specify the solution.
(5) to identify the cause after the solution, if necessary, together with the design agreed to the solution.
(6) for simple problems, such as repair paint, etc., to direct maintenance.
(7) for more complex issues, the need to develop a detailed maintenance service plan, organized by the after-sales service arrangements for maintenance work.
(8) by the design center to give maintenance plan design drawings, the Ministry of procurement materials required for the production of production and processing. Quality Supervision Department for a variety of maintenance materials and maintenance of processing parts to be checked.
(9) maintenance materials shipped to the scene, the project's project leader began to organize the installation of workers for maintenance services.
(10) Project director of the project to guide workers to repair the implementation of maintenance programs, and control the quality of maintenance.
(11) after the end of maintenance, the transfer of customer inspection and acceptance, and signed on the acceptance. Return to the after-sales service department by the acceptance center.
网址:超市单面靠墙零食货架 https://www.yuejiaxmz.com/news/view/741547
易存超市货架展示架层架便利店药店货架单面双面加厚灰 单面90*38*160=4层主+一对侧板+灯箱【报价 价格 评测 怎么样】哪位了解超市货架挂钩的通用直径是多大?
霓峰 厨房置物架落地多层蔬菜收纳架家用多功能杂物架靠墙零食储物架子 50长(2网1板) 28.1元(需用券)
聂莊 定制圆孔钢板带孔铁板货架饰品展示架洞洞板带框货架上墙展示架多孔板超市货架挂钩五金工具挂板置物架 50*150带边框配15个挂钩 黑色 163.12元(需用券)